Lady's Prayer at Kam Fam...

Walked at the mall today and ate my chicken from Kelly's in the van with Laura. When I got home from work Laura was cleaning and baking, she has lady's group tonight at our house --Busy, Busy... The plan is to order pizza for tonight, I went and got it and then took Caleb to piano. I went to Hy-Vee and picked up a few things and ended up talking to Todd E. for about 20 minutes. We covered a lot of stuff mostly talked about our kids and relationships. He is a very nice guy and has been thru a lot and is now supporting his younger brother thru difficult times. I made it back to get Caleb in time and then wandered home. Caleb is planning to watch Carter tonight while they are at a soccer game. Anna and I went to the Y and then went by JJ's afterwards to get a cookie again. We hung out there and talked to Logan for awhile, actually we stayed pretty late. Adam and Charlie caught up to us and we sat and talked with them as well. The lady's would be finished around 9pm so we needed to stay out at least until then, and we did :) The boys were at home playing games in the basement when I left, hopefully they didn't make too much noise...

Y With Caleb...

Keaton was up early and I got him to school in plenty of time today. I went on to QSL to get all the extra food together and set out all the extra soda and Gatorade for Pepsi to pick up. I took the food back to Kohl Wholesale and they will take care of crediting our account. I got to work just a little bit late. Laura had a funeral to play for and then brought me some Kelly's chicken kabobs, I ate first and then we walked in the mall. I got my seasonal flu shot at work this afternoon, this is the third time I received one and only do it because they are free and ADM encourages us to do it so we don't miss days or get others sick in the office. I didn't have to do any driving for PSR tonight so Caleb and I planned to go to the Y tonight and workout. We played some racquetball again and I spotted him some points. He took me to OT once, we had a good time and Caleb had a few awesome shots. Keaton was at home for Anna when she was done with PSR so Caleb and didn't have to hurry home.

Indoor Soccer Night...

Nice warm morning and then lots of rain by lunch. Walked at the mall and then crackers for lunch. Kind of nasty just glad it is not real cold. Katheryn came over to the house again after school to work with Anna on the project, Laura came a little late to the indoor game because of Katheryn's ride. Keaton and Forrest got a ride to the indoor soccer game at 5:30pm from Forrest's grandma. I went to the game straight from work which worked out fine. The boys played a real good game against a Hannibal team. They had a lot of good shots but their keeper was pretty good. Keaton stuck a guy at one point and the kid did a flip over the ball. We were missing one player that would have made a difference in goal for us. I believe they lost by one or two but played very good together. After their game we went and ate at Wendy's, Forrest went with us because he wanted to watch Thom's game next. We all went back and watched the first half and then Laura, Anna and I went home. Laura helped Anna finish her project and then we wound down our eveing.

Sunday Lunch Twist...

Got to church as they were getting started, Laura has Salem and First Christian today, she will meet up with us afterwards. Caleb's indoor team is planning to get together at Casano's for a meet and greet kind of thing for lunch. We went there with Faler's and Bowen's right after church and were able to eat as a family and then visit with the other parents after that. It was very nice and the boys ate plenty of pizza. Keaton and Caleb left with the Bruner boys and went to change clothes and play soccer at the fields, they were gone the rest of the afternoon. Adam had to work at 5 and Laura made tacos for supper. Katheryn, Anna's classmate came over to the house to work with Anna on a school project. Katheryn is a big mature girl for only ten years old, they ended up playing some too. The evening was top off with chocolate chip cookies, it doesn't get any better than that.

Caleb Indoor...

Woke up at a decent time and messed around before the runnin needed to happen. Anna and I went and picked up a new four wheeler battery before noon and while we were there waiting for it to charge we watched the workers tearing down the building across the street, a portion of bricks had just fallen off near the corner and hit a truck that was working on sight. Anna and I swung by and picked up Caleb at Matt's house and then came home so Caleb would have enough time to get ready for his first indoor game at 1pm. Laura has a funeral at 1:30pm and then a wedding after that so she will be busy all of the afternoon. Anna and Cora are planning to go to the Y after the soccer game so we all have our bags packed. Keaton and Caleb dropped us off at the Y and then went home while we played, Keaton came back to get us. Anna and Cora played for a while outside before Cora was picked up around 5pm. I worked on the four wheeler and finally had luck after locating a disconnected wire. It started right up and we ran a few test drives before needing more gas. It is still leaking some gas so I will buy some carb cleaner and premium Shell gas to run in it and see if this makes a difference.

Lowes and a Movie...

Didn't get to wear jeans today because we had some big whigs at the office today. Walked at the mall and then ate lunch at Mc D's. Laura fixed a wonderful supper tonight, chicken noodle soup and hot out of the oven biscuits :)) Adam had to work and Keaton took Caleb to Matt's house for the night and then disappeared for a while with Forrest. Laura, Anna and I went out to Shoe Carnival to get a logo for Keaton's indoor shirts and then over to Lowes to check on a price for a back door, we picked up some light bulbs and looked around a bit too. After that we wandered back home and ended up watching 101 Dalmations until after 11pm.

Van and Hy-Vee...

Had to slip over and get the big ole Lawson truck this AM and take it to work while the van is in the shop. Laura and I met at the mall to walk and then ate at Wendy's. Always fun to drive the beastly truck but returned it as soon as I got home. Anna has piano so Laura and I took her and then went to pick up the van. Laura went back to get Anna and I went to Hy-Vee for sweets before returning home. Keaton and Caleb went to Uncle Thom's indoor game at 8:30pm and we hung out at home for the evening getting our fill of ice cream and watching The Office.

Stuck at Work Today...

I had a code of conduct meeting today at work and pizza with dessert was served. It lasted a while and because of that I didn't get to leave the building during lunch like usual. This makes for a real long day when I don't get to leave the building. Laura watched the little girls at 1pm today so I was going to plan to go home for a bit but didn't get too. Anna was able to see the girls for awhile after school and was excited about that, they went home about 10 minutes before I got there. Anna and I picked up pizza and dropped off a Greenie dog toy to Logan at work and talked to him for a bit, Anna had money to spend so she bought a cookie. Brought it home and then took Caleb to piano. We went home after that and got our stuff for the Y and then Caleb and I headed out. Keaton and Anna went to Bye, Bye Birdie at QHS with Jan & Lawson and Brianna, Laura is at prayer. Caleb played some basketball with a friend while I worked out. I had to swing by TCBY afterwards and get a waffle cone on our way to drop off the van for a brake job at Luberts. Caleb and I sat in the QND parking lot waiting for Laura to call after prayer so we could laeve the van over night. We got home 9:30-ish and the kids said the play was real good.

Thom's Day...

I got a call from Thom this AM while I was at work, I guess he was calling people to see if they remembered that it was his birthday. He said that he just saw Kori's car but there was a guy driving it, he wanted to make sure that everything was OK. We got some interesting news at work, Tony announced that he has a new Boss and it is Diane A. This will make for some interesting work days in the future to see if things change going forward at all. I can't image that there would be any changes soon. Laura has choir tonight and I will be driving for PSR and then going to a QHS booster club meeting, they are gearing up for a soup supper during basketball and need some workers. Keaton has his first indoor game tonight so I had to leave the meeting early. He and Forrest are so excited about playing they can hardly stand it. I went home and picked them up and headed out to K&L. It ended up that two of the boys couldn't play because they didn't have their picture ID's made yet. Forrest scored the first goal of the season, I would not of guessed that. Keaton played well and had an assist as goalie but didn't score, he was frustrated about that but I'm sure he will make up for it. We got home late and hurried Anna and Caleb to bed.

Back to School...

After a three and a half day weekend it was the school thing again and we made it but I'm not sure anyone was really wanting to except maybe Anna. I had an eye appointment scheduled for today, the last time I had one was about a year and a half ago. I am to the point where I need cheaters with me all the time in case I need to see up close so I have decided that if I had glasses that I can wear all the time this would work better, I ended up ordering glasses for the first time. I made sure that Laura came with me so she could tell me what looks best from the other side of the mirror, she met me there after her work. Thank You Dear for helping me with this, I may have ended up with some real silly looking stuff. We grabbed a quick bite at McD's and then wandered back to work. The boys were playing soccer at fields when I got home from work and Laura was making hamburger helper for supper. Laura and I were talking about going to the Y with Anna tonight but that didn't work out so I ended up going by myself. I was gone for about an hour and a half, good thing dancing with the stars was on for the girls to watch because they didn't even miss me :) There wasn't much food left when I returned, actually just enough.

Another Party...

Wandered into church a bit late this AM and sat towards the back a bit. Great piano player today :) Went to Wendy's afterwards for lunch and then wandered home. Anna went with Brianna and the boys were wanting to shop for a couple of things at Wal-Mart. I have to get a picture card made at K&L for coaching so we all rode together. Keaton did some major shopping so Caleb and I hung out in the car at TJ's and then Kohl's, we did run to Farm supply and check for a 4-wheeler battery but they didn't have what we needed. We were out longer than I expected but Keaton did have some success. Laura and I walked after we got home and while the chick and rice was cooking. Good home cooked meal before wandering over to the Davis's for another meet the neighbor session. There were six couples over there and Laura and I were the youngest. Claudia had an office party catered earlier so she had plenty of food set aside for this gathering too. Very nice food display and this was the first time that I had been in their house since they bought it and gutted it. They did a very nice job of course and really lightened things up and opened the kitchen are as well. We had a good time and were very grateful that the Jacobs were there, they are wonderful people, neighbors and glad to have them as friends too. Anna only called me once after I had been there for about 8 minutes asking if she could play with some new clothes or something, I think she was wanting to choreograph and new dance and needed some different costumes.

Good Food All Day...

The sun is shinning and a little cool. Felix B. had to get up and out for a 9:30am soccer game so his Mom stopped over and picked him up. He had some home made chocolate chip cookies and milk before he left, thank goodness he didn't eat too many. Pancakes for breakfast this AM, this is sounding like a perfect Saturday morning, where are the cartoon? Laura cooked some pancakes for Caleb and Dillion and then we went for a walk. After that I pulled the battery out of the four wheeler to see if I can find a replacement at wal-mart. The second round of breakfast was completed (Keaton and Forrest) while Laura was getting ready to play for a wedding, but it turns out they canceled the wedding and didn't bother to let her know. Now she is all dressed up and no place to go, what a deal... She went shopping for a birthday item instead. I took Caleb, Anna and Cora to the Y this afternoon while Laura was out and then came home in time to cook out before heading over to the Bowen's for Blake's b-day cake and ice cream. We had plenty of good eats this day...

No School Friday...

No school today, teacher conferences. Laura had to go into work today and Anna was up by the time she had to leave. Anna had some movies to watch and the boys were home too. She ended up going to Morgan's for awhile but came home early because Morgan wasn't feeling good. Laura stopped by the store after work and got some lunch food and I went home for lunch. Craig H is having a big person neighborhood party tonight at his place, social event meet the neighbors kind of thing with a hay rack ride too. Anna is with Avery and the boys are looking for something to do I'm sure. Laura and I dressed warm for Craig's and wandered down to his place, Laura has to leave around 8:30pm to go sing and play for Cursillo. There were several people from the hood that made it there and we gathered in his house and sun room, he may have been making a commercial I'm not sure :) The boys called while we were there and want to go to a late movie with Forrest and the Bruner's and then have them all spend the night. It turned out that Anna stayed all night with Avery and the boys came to our house after the late movie. I think I snoozed before the movie was over, but called Keaton about the time they were leaving. I stayed awake until they got home and made sure that they kept the noise down.

Anna to Avery's

Anna Shop...

Just a half day of school today. I had to go to Radio Shack for work this Am and met Keaton there so he could have the car. Anna is planning to go birthday shopping today with GMa and GPa, but it may not be until later this evening. Keaton, Forrest and Caleb played soccer in the afternoon and then Caleb had piano. Anna called and said that she was eating out so we decided that tonight was our pizza night. Laura and I made plans to get Papa John's to have ready when the boys got home. I had to swing by Hy-Vee to get some other things and then went to JJ's to talk to Logan while the pizza was cooking. We had a nice visit before I had to move on and get the hot food home. Anna got home and showed us all her gifts and of coarse got some music and videos. She spent the rest of her evening playing, dancing and singing. She was actually watching a DVD when I went to bed.


Not a bad day for Halloween, sunny and warm with some wind, hopefully this will hold out for the evening. Laura met me at work for lunch with a sandwich and then took me with her to run some errands for Anna's class party today. She ran in the dollar tree and then we went to Big Lots. Next we stopped by Domino's to order the pizza for the class snack. Laura ran me back to work so I could get to the SOS and pick up a sticker for the Taurus. After work the kids were messing around and trying to figure out what they were going to be this evening. Anna was already down at Craig's helping to get ready for the 7pm start time for the haunted yard. Caleb and Gabe were going to help as well and wandered down too after finding the clothes they needed. Keaton and Forrest are making their own plans, something about riding bikes to his grandmas and trick or treating. Kendall and Thom dropped off Brianna and I went down to make sure that Anna had everything she needed. Laura and I took Brianna with us down to Craig's, and thru in some warm items for Anna. We stayed down there and watched, visited, helped a little and mostly just hung out until they were done. About 9pm we wandered back to Jan & Lawson's for some warm food. We found some potato soup and some other eats before gathering all the kids and heading home.

Warm Day...

Did not walk at lunch today, Laura and I met at JJ's for lunch before my hair cut appointment. There was quite a few people working and talked to Amber at one point, very nice girl and she said to tell Anna Hi. After work we ate some supper and Carrie will take to PSR tonight and Kendall will bring home. The boys went to the fields after school to play soccer with their gang, Laura dropped them off. I was trying to get to the Y to workout while Laura went to choir and Anna was at PSR but that wasn't going to work because the boys would be calling soon for a ride home. I ended up doing a quick run thru the neighborhood and by the time I got home the boys were ready. I went to get them and they wanted to swing by JJ's to get a sandwich, so we did. We got home by 7:30pm to be there for Anna so everything worked out fine. We just relaxed the rest of the night since the night before was a busy evening.

A Girl Party...

Walked outside down Maine street, a little chilly but not bad after you got warmed up. Laura was very busy at work this AM burning power point presentations onto CD's, Wow she is learning all kinds of good stuff. Didn't have time for lunch together today so grabbed some crackers and a tea before heading back to work. Got home from work, Anna and Stephanie were playing and I jumped right in to helping Laura prepare Anna's birthday supper. I don't think Laura has taken a break since I saw her at lunch time. She is making a big batch of spaghetti and meatballs with lots of bread, YUM. I was in charge of icing this cake but there were too many people watching me so I didn't get to lick my fingers like usual :) Our Peeps all wandered in except for Logan and Mak, but they called and did say they are on their way. Kori had to work tonight and wasn't real thrilled with missing the party but she did get off early. Blake stopped by too and everyone was accounted for, I think Laura ended up making all the spaghetti she had in the house three different times and got to sit down twice all evening. Thank You Honey... Anna got to her present openning after candles and singing. She got some good stuff and played one of the games with Brianna to finish out the night.

Sunny Day...

Church and then Wendy's. Laura ran some errands after her Salem gig because she was in charge of decorations for the kids choir snacks after the concert. She was able to find the things she needed and met us for lunch. We went home after that and the girls got ready for the concert, I showed up in time for the start. Very good concert with many in attendance, the children do a great job and the piano player is awesome. Helped clean up afterwards and went home. Anna went over to GMa's and played with Brianna for awhile. Laura has to play another gig tonight at St. Francis for the Right to Life concert that Ralph and his family puts on. She went to that by herself because I was pretty sure I couldn't find any other kids to go with me. I got some comfy clothes on and made a little fire after Laura left, Keaton and Caleb came out and sharpened some sticks for a couple of marsh mellows, Adam was at work. We decided to order Domino's and I went and picked it up. We chowed down and Kori ate some too before she left for the evening. Watched a little of the Make Over show and Keaton went to get Anna from Bowen's about 8pm. The boys talked me into watching Wild Hogs with them so we lounged and took this movie in. It wasn't as great as all the hipe that I heard, not bad though. I fessed up to Laura about watching the movie without her, I hope she will forgive me. She got home after we were done, she went to Kelly's with her Ma & Pa after playing the evening gig.

Busy Sat, Nice Sunshine...

I got a call in the AM about green QSL 40th anniversary shirts for the 6th grade boys. I made arrangements to pick some up and get them to the fields since I had to get the popcorn issue resolved. Laura and Anna have dress rehearsal at 10am for the kids concert tomorrow so I will have some time to get this done. As I was going to the fields I saw a sweet 1972 Honda CB 100 motorcycle in a driveway and had to stop and look. I called the guy, Jerry and he let me test drive it. Pretty nice bike that belonged to a Shriner near Springfield, IL. and was ridden in parades for several years before being retired. Jerry and I had a nice chat, this guy is very talented and has made / rebuilt several vehicles during his life, interesting gentleman. Came home after that and worked at Jacob's to get their wired network working with a desktop computer they have. I put male ends on the cable Tim and Luke ran and was able to get the computer hooked up working on the network. Barb F. was there and I may have to work at her house next. I took Caleb, Anna and Gabe to the Y so they could swim and mess around. I warmed up inside and then ran outside to see if I could do the Turkey Run route. I made it but not the exact route come to find out, close though. We came home and got cleaned up and Laura, Anna and I went to the Adoration Chapel celebration at St. Peters. They had a mass and then supper and a short program afterwards. GMa asked Anna to sing so her and Laura did You Raise Me Up for the people. Anna was a little nervous but did a great job, she had a lot of compliments. I was very proud of both of them, it is definitely a talent that God has given those that can sing and play. We stayed until the very end so we could help put things away.

Rainy and Cool...

Walked at the mall and ate at McD's. They really need to keep that eatery cleaner. It is rainy today, not a hard rain but just enough to be nasty - good thing it is not cold. Keaton came and picked up my car after working out and made a weekly visit to Kohl Wholesale for me. They probably won't be painting today. I forgot to let Laura know I needed a ride after work and Keaton didn't think to came back and get me, OH well I guess I paid for that mistake but it didn't take Laura long to get here. She told me about a Halloween party that Anna is wanting to go to tonight from 6:40 - 8:40pm, not sure why that time, but the girls talked on the telephone a couple of times and the next thing I new Anna was getting dressed up in a quick and easy costume. Laura and I took her to Country Club apartments clear in the back, not sure I was ever back that far before. I walked her to the door and the mother and daughter answered, the Mom was speaking spanish to the daughter but did understand the basics when we greeted each other. I haven't really experienced that in Quincy. We had to stop by the concession stand because Keaton and Forrest put the canned cheese in the freezer. I also found that Kohl gave us two boxes of bags instead of popcorn. I will have to get this straightened out in the morning. Laura and went to Kohl's department store next and did some shopping. I found a pair of shoes for working out and a couple of pairs of shorts too. I haven't spent that kind of money on Me for awhile. We picked up Anna at 8:40pm and went to JJ's for supper.

Birthday Girl big 11...

Woke up this AM and left a couple of notes around the house for the birthday girl. Laura gave Anna one of her gifts (cute shoes) before she left for school, she was very thrilled and a great way to start the day :) It is amazing that Anna is eleven years old now. I can remember when she was tiny wondering what we might be going thru when she reaches 11 or 12, Thank You Lord for this beautiful little girl and all the good things she has brought to our family. I pray that you continue to keep her healthy and strong. Laura played for a funeral at noon with Jan & Lawson so we ate at Kelly's with them instead of walking. Laura had to leave right as we were done to go practice with Ralph at home and I finished up with J&L before heading back to work. Keaton, Caleb and Alex L are planning to ride with them to the sectional game tonight in Springfield. It is clouding up and there is a chance of rain, Yuk. Adam called about some parts for his Golf, he needs a new fuel filter and wanted to get some fuel cleaning stuff to put in his tank. I helped him with this until next pay check. Anna had flute today and I saw a gift from her teacher when I got home from work, it was a pink poodle bank. It is a shame that she is not loved. She decided that she wanted to go to Village Inn for supper, just me Laura and the two girls, Adam had to work the second of his double. The three of us ran to TJ Max before piano and then met Kori after for supper. Anna's birthday meal was chocolate chip pancakes, silk pie for dessert and then washed it down with the last of Kori's coffee. (I borrowed these words from u know who :) Anna got two phone calls while we were sitting there too, Logan and Nanny. We ran to the store after that Laura ran in while we listened to the radio, QHS lost 2-0 and it did rain in the first half. Home next and then waited in bed for the boys to check in.

Mid Week...

Walked at the mall and Laura brought me half a sandwich, ate in the van and visited. Caleb called to see if they could play at PDSC so he and Keaton were going to meet some peeps there. After work I got home to a supper of meat balls and pasta, Thank You Dear. The boys were still out playing so Keaton took Caleb to piano again and stuck around to pick him up. They went by JJ's to see Logan and will wander home after that. Laura has group tonight so I took Anna with me to the Y after supper so she can swim again while I workout. Adam doesn't feel good so he is still resting downstairs. Anna didn't swim real long tonight at the Y, I had a good work out and tried a different machine to see how it worked. We met out by the TV and game room so she could find a snack to buy before leaving, she has her swim bag, coin purse and has showered and dried off. She is quite the trip... We wandered home after that and Anna got ready for bed. Caleb was on the couch so I pushed him along soon too because he needed some sleep from the night before.

Wicked Tickets...

Had a reminder to buy our Wicked tickets today so I was able to get this done on line. I told Laura that we got the good seats, this is going to be soooo awesome I'm glad she talked me into the good seats. I have never been to a big theatre in a big city so I can't wait. I contacted Tom M. the other day too and we may hire him to pick us up, that would be a crazy time. Adam had some issue with his car and Laura ran a gas can out to him. He seems to think it is a fuel filter and will replace that. He has class and a double shift at work today. Keaton and Caleb went to Springfield with GPa & GMa for the sectional soccer game tonight, game time 7pm. Laura and I decided to take whom ever wanted to out for a quick bite. Kori needed to shower and Adam was at work so we took Anna to Panera Bread and grabbed a quick bite before she had to be at PSR and Laura to chorus. Laura took me back home after dropping Anna off and then I was incharge of picking Cora and Anna up from PSR. We made arrangements to have Cora go swim with Anna at the Y while I worked out. I talked to Dan P at the Y, we had a nice visit getting updated on all the kids. I may have to call him about playing racketball this winter. The girls finished swimming about 8:30pm and went wandered home. I got Anna to bed and started listening to the game on line at WTAD, it was very exciting, 4OT's and PK's before QHS wins. It was after 11pm before the boys got home and to bed.

New, Used Tires...

Walked the mall with Laura at lunch time. Kori called me after I got back from lunch and wanted to know about getting some better tires for the front end of of her car. She had talked to Logan and he suggested that she go over to Delta Tires used store by his old apartment. Kori and I talked and she went there and the guy was able to fix her up with something good and the price was right as well. I split the cost with her and the tire man said she had a belt that was broke so it was past time to get them replaced. Kori said her car drives much better, no pulling and no noise. Had a good supper at home and no where special to be. Gabe came over for a bit and I sent some cable home with him so Tim can run a network connection and then I will put the ends on for him.

B-Day Party...

Church this AM and Wendy's. Keaton was with us and had a scarf on I guess until his dreads are fully tamed. Came home right after we ate because GPa was taking some kids to the farm to walk and look for arrow heads. Anna couldn't stay long because she had kids choir and it turned out there was still crops in the fields so they didn't spend the time there that they wanted. Laura went to the store and I started cleaning up the back yard for a fire in the pit later today. I had to get the chain saw out to make a quick job of it, found plenty of dry wood and twigs for a couple of fires at least. I was in charge of the cake while Laura and Anna went to choir practice and was even able to get in a quick run/walk while it was baking. After the cake was done baking I went to Home Depot to get some more blocks for around the fire pit to make it more presentable, I came up 2 short this time. I came back in and iced the cake, family started gathering around 5pm-ish and I started the fire for roasting hot dogs and marsh mellows close to 6. It was windy and warm most of the day but settled down nicely by evening. Forrest got back to town and came over in time to eat with us, his timing is perfect when it comes to food :) We all had a good time around the fire even Logan stopped by and ate and visited, It was very nice having him there too. We made it back inside to sing, open presents and take pictures before the end of the night so the party was complete.

Homeless Awareness...

Rolled out around 8am, just couldn't sleep any longer and made some coffee. Laura doesn't have a wedding today so that makes the day different from the get go. Looked in the newspaper and online for the days events. We ended up going to the Octoberfest parade down Maine street starting at 2pm. The weather is wonderful today and even hot in the sun, the bands looked very warm at times while marching. I believe last year it was cold and rainy all day and night even during field competition, what a difference. Anna and I packed for the Y before we left so we had Laura drop us off so we could swim and work out. Laura ran out to TJ Max, messed around and then came back to pick us up after about an hour. I mowed the backyard when we got home and then got carried away cutting some low hanging oak limbs out back so I can setup a fire pit, Caleb and I made quite the mess. Laura made neopolitan dinner and apple crisp for supper and desert, I think Keaton may have ordered the dinner. After supper Caleb wanted to run out to Wal-Mart to look for an xbox game, he wants to spend some of his field painting money. Caleb, Keaton and I went out there and he found a soccer game to buy. We past some college students on the way out of the parking lot who were raising money for the homeless by living in boxes for 24 hours, we gave them all the change we had in the car. We stopped by JJ's to visit with Logan and invite him over for Keaton's B-day party on Sunday. We talked for a bit and had some good laughs, very neat to see them interact and all have fun. We wandered home and chilled the rest of the night.

Friday Evening Lites...

Scheduled to work the QHS concession stand at 4pm today for the regional soccer championship. I am planning to get off work at 4pm and pick up Keaton from the Y. He will drop me off at the game and make a quick run to Kohl wholesale for me to pick up QSL concession stand product. Laura and I worked the concessions the whole time (3 hours) and never did see any of the game, QHS beat QND 2-1. After the game Anna went with Stephanie to Casano's and party'd with the team while Laura and I found Jan and Lawson at Kelly's by themselves so we crashed their party. We went by the grocery store and then home where we found Keaton and Caleb home starving, they are not able to help themselves I guess, Laura was able to help them find something. Forrest is camping this weekend so Keaton is hanging out around the house and Anna is going to spend the night with Stephanie. Laura and I started watching the movie Throw Mama From the Train on TV and made it all the way to the end.

Let's Talk...

Walked the mall today, and I had to pick something up at Radio Shack after walking before going to McD's for a quick eat. The boys came and got my car after working out at the Y and were going to paint fields. Not sure how much painting they did I believe they played soccer with some of their buddy's. They were having so much fun that Keaton took Caleb to piano because they were running late. Checked out Adam's headliner replacement job in his Golf, pretty cool stuff --Nice job. Laura and I had a date with Kori tonight after supper and her work out. Kori has fallen back into a slump and is not really making any effort to get out so we decided it was time to have another talk. She is such a great person with so much to offer, she just needs to understand that she is not pushing herself very much. She needs to find another job and put herself in a position to get her own place or pick a course of study and do it. She will get there but it is just very frustrating to watch her settle and do the minimal. She wants us to treat her like an adult but we like being treated like human beings with a little respect, that's not too much to ask. Keaton ended up picking Caleb up from piano as well, he new we needed more time to talk. After our talk I ran to Papa John's to get pizza and bring it home, nice and hot... Adam couldn't wait that long so he left to find his own food.

Regional Soccer...

Walked at the mall and ate a half of a Kelly's sandwich in the van. The weather was not real great, big rain off and on and the threat of storms all day long. There are 2 high school soccer games tonight, 4 and 6pm. The boys are going to both games in the truck and I have a date with Anna at the Y after piano lessons. It is pretty nasty out so not a great night to be outside watching a game. After supper I took Anna to Caleb's piano night slot and then went to the Y so she could swim and I will work out. I got Anna settled into the locker room routine and then the pool, and checked on her a couple of times. They have a life guard on duty during open swims and she has swam there before. There were a couple kids swimming and I think she had fun. While working out I was asked by a guy from work if I would consider running in this years Turkey run, they are getting a couple of teams together from work to compete against times, I guess I was just waiting to be asked because I was thinking about it for this year. After the Y we went to TCBY and treated ourselves and took them home. Laura wasn't home from group yet but showed up soon to tuck Anna in. The boys talked about the games, mostly QHS and it's triple over time win. They were pretty pumped. They will be playing QND for the regional finals on Friday.

Birthday Boy...

Keaton 17th birthday is today. I can't believe he is that old and getting so big, he is really filling out from all the after school visits to the Y, his upper body is solid as a Rock. We had sandwiches for supper and the boys took off to play soccer at Baldwin for awhile with their friends. I drove the girls to PSR and then went out to K&L to drop off money and a team roster for Keaton's indoor team, I guess I will be listed as the coach/adult on the sideline. Went to the Y to work out next while Laura was at chior, Carrie is picking the girls up. Talked to Laura after working out and Anna was at Dede's because she didn't think anyone was home after PSR, (Adam was asleep still) Opps! Will have to do something different since this was the second time she has come home to no one this week. Keaton and Caleb went to JJ's and had Logan fix their supper, must have bummed a birthday meal from him. We will do his b-day party this weekend with the family.

Not Much...

Keaton was up already when I went down to get him for school, he was trying to decide which scarf to wear to school. Partial walk at the mall today. Laura worked long at the office following the concert Saturday, she has to go back again today after lunch. We grabbed a quick bite at McD's, haven't eaten there for awhile mostly because of the lack of cleanliness. Adam called me at work and asked to stay another night at SIUE, he said his car ran fine but he had to get a tire fixed at Wal-Mart because of a nail causing a slow leak. He was pleased with the $9 cost and thought that was a bargain. Got home from work and had some good eats, spaghetti and meatballs with bread sticks. Forrest was working on Keaton's hair and finishing his dreads up, it only took three days to do that and several blisters. I think Laura did a couple and Adam maybe one, but for the most part it was all Forrest. Keaton was told to take his scarf off at school today, I guess that might be some kind of consequence for doing something goofy to your hair, walk around school with your hair doo on display. I was busy working on QSL rosters and got 2 more out of the way while the rest of them were out doing hair, watching AFV and laughing quite a bit.


Church today was just Anna and I. Gabe spent the night and then Caleb was going to church with his family. Forrest spent the night as well and he and Keaton must have stayed up most of the night working on THE hair doo so weren't able to make it to church :( We gathered at Wendy's for lunch and then Laura and I stopped by an open condo to take a peak, pretty nice place with just a couple down sides. We relaxed for a bit before the next activities. Laura had kids choir practice and I decided to ride my bike to the Y to work out. Keaton and Forrest went to get some food and dropped Caleb off at Baldwin to play soccer with some friends. Adam was out already working on his car and hanging out with Zach and Cory. I stopped by Alan M. house to check on my Bridgestone motorcycle while riding home and talked to him a bit. He did some clean up on it and it is looking pretty good. I need to get a battery for it next so it can actually be riddin next. He told me of a guy that can synch the carbs next and then it should be good to go, I will do some checking for the right size battery to fit. Next on the agenda was going out to Steve and Renea's for a celebration party for Steve at their house. He is a lucky man with a will to live, survive and I am sure tell his story for God's glory. We took Anna with us and saw lots of people and visited with many. Laura was able to spend some good talk time with Renea towards the end of the night. We didn't leave there until 8:30pm or so, it seemed later. They had plenty of food, we sat around the camp fire and the young girls sang and danced to music. Adam called and asked to drive to SIUE and spend a day or so since he doesn't have class on M-T. We talked a couple of times before he finally made it there.

Overcast Saturday...

Got a call the first thing this AM about QSL soccer games and weather related play. It is raining off and on but no lightning so the games must go on. Need to make sure I get to the YMCA today between 10-1pm so I can save the $85 start up fee for a membership. Laura has 2 weddings today so she will be busy and then she has a concert tonight to work. Anna is going to the Brink's house for a wiener roast if the weather holds out. Kind of hung around the house in the AM and then Anna and I went to the Y to get our new membership swipe cards and have our pictures taken for the computer system. We ended up getting everyone else's cards too and taking a brief tour. I think Anna is most interested in the swimming portion of the membership. Next I took Anna out to the Brink's house and then came back in to the Y to workout. I went home after that to freshen up a bit and then was asked on a early supper date at Applebee's with Laura. We enjoyed ourselves and I was briefed on the wedding events for the day, there are always some good things that happen at weddings. A couple of stops later we were back at home for the next function. Laura did a wardrobe change and had to be at the QJHS to help setup for the symphony concert around 6pm and I went just before 7pm thinking it started at 7, I was there in plenty of time for the 7:30pm start time :) Logan called and actually came to sit with me and we got to spend some time together, he was dressed in his nicest sweat pants and we even hung out with Mom at half time. I would of liked to had more talk time so I will have to make that happen. It was sprinkling after the concert so he had to wander thru the raindrops on his scooter to get home, I don't think he got too wet. I called for Anna and had to go clear out and get her from Brink's before heading home for the night, there were some big kids there but the party was dwindling. Anna talked to me about her friend Katie and her sister and told me that they were adopted by the Brink's. I had asked Anna about siblings and such because I wasn't sure how many kids were in the family. She mentioned that the girls Mom didn't want them or something like that, Wow I wonder what goes thru their head when they talk about that stuff. We got home to Keaton getting dreads from Forrest, I guess a friend of Forrest's Mom did the sectioning for him so Forrest could start on the dreading, or what ever it is called.

Good Coffee Friday...

Dropped Keaton off at school and went by the YMCA to give them some money for the membership upgrade. Decided to get some good coffee today at CoB and talked to the neighbor lady Riley before leaving the coffee shop, she is a very nice lady and fun to talk with. During the day I got all my ducks in a row for getting Adam's VW Golf insured and registered so he can start driving it. We are planning to sell the truck to Alex L. and need to have this done in a week to save on some insurance paper work. I made a few calls to Adam and he brought me what I needed. Laura and I ended up eating Wendy's and not walking during lunch break today so I could go to the SOS office to get the registration done. Turned out I had to have Laura sign two things so I had her complete the stuff before picking me up from work. It all worked out fine and we got it completed before 5pm, Thank You Dear =) We came home and Adam wasn't far behind, he must of smelled the new plates. He pulled up in Blake's car with Ashleigh hanging with them. Adam got everything put on and in place (while sporting his new earth tone colored sneakers) to go take them for the inaugural cruse, they were pretty funny. Cory G. is in town this weekend so Adam wants to spend some time with those guys working on each others cars. He likes having some money so he can tinker, he has wanted to do that for some time now. We did some sandwiches for supper and I had to run out to the concession stand to get it put together. After that I went to JJ's and found Keaton there being bored and visiting with Logan. Makenzie came in and I sat with her while she ate, Logan got a call from a girls VBall team leaving Macomb so they were working hard to get the order done so they could close up. The bus showed up as I was leaving, hopefully the team didn't make a mess.

Last Home Game...

Cold again this morning but haven't broke out the coat yet. Walked the mall today and saw Kori delivering, we stopped and talked for just a bit before we all had to get going. Went to Taco Bell to eat, mine wasn't too bad but I guess Laura's came back to haunt her a bit. Keaton and boys came and got my car after school/YMCA so they can line fields. Caleb went to the Y today and worked out with the guys for the first time, I am in the process of getting us a Family membership so we can all go there this winter. Keaton has been faithful and I think Caleb will be as well, Kori may use it some and I know Anna would like to swim, it will be something different for us to do during the winter. Laura picked me up after work and we found out that the QHS soccer game time changed to a half hour earlier than scheduled, Laura got a call about singing the national anthem with all the sisters, but this won't fit into her schedule. I got home and changed, grabbed a PBJ and hitched a ride with Thom, Kendall and Brianna to the game. Laura will get Anna to piano and the boys will wander over after painting. Thank You Laura for letting me go watch yet another game :) Lawson was announcing and had a busy night especially at half time introducing all the seniors and the ladies + one sang before hand, Lawson did a great job and the ladies sounded wonderful as well. This is the classiest act in town, I am very proud to be a part of the family that knows and preforms the music around town so well. Thank You Jan and Lawson for the class act you are and the professionalism you bring to this family. QHS won 2-1 in a not so great preformance. I rode home with the boys and followed them out to the car while they were playing catch with the football all the way across the parking lot. We took Forrest home and made our way home after that, the QND parking lot was full tonight because of their home comming parade so we went thru the park.

Grill-Man Delivery...

Woke up to a chilly morning this AM, must be working on the fall change now. We are having our last ADM UW cookout today and we don't have access to the big grill so I volunteered my 2 generic ones. I talked to Adam and he said he would bring them out in the truck before his class, it was a great help. I went out and helped them start the grills and it was windy and cool, every other cookout has been 90 degrees. Walked at the mall and had half a sandwich that Laura brought me from Kelly's, she met some girls there after her prayer group. After work we ate good at home before dropping Anna off at Morgan's and taking Caleb to piano. After that we went back home and got bundled up so Keaton, Caleb and I could go to the QU soccer Senior night. They played Kirksville and beat them in the last minute on a fluke 1-0. It was cool enought that the hot chocolate they were selling turned to warm milk because they couldn't keep up. We sat high in the stands with jackets and blankets ready, Thom, GPa and then Lindsi and Bianna showed up. Swung by JJ's after the game to munch and visit with Logan, and Adam showed up before we left. Had to swing by and get Anna at GMa's on our way home. I had a good time with all, never a dull moment. I called and reminded Adam to swing by and pickup the grills at work before he came home tonight. He did, very helpfull.......Thanks.

Ole Man Jack...

Caleb woke up not feeling good and went back to bed. Went by QSL this AM to inventory the concession stand. Decided to go wash finger prints off my windshield and check all the air in my tires at Hy-Vee before heading to work. Walked out side today down Maine Street, very nice day again but will change soon. Straight home after work (Caleb stayed home all day) Anna has PSR tonight so Laura will be working rides out before she has to leave for choir. I took Anna, Brianna and Cora to PSR and then went out to Shoe Carnival to drop off a form for indoor soccer, I am trying to get a sponsor. I went by Wal-Mart to get a couple items and stopped and talked to Rev. Jack Herren from Hamilton, IL, he was the greeter on the west side of the store. Interesting fellow that still preaches (for an offerring only) around the area, 6 kids and has worked from here to Los Angeles and many places in between. Next I had to pick up Keaton and Forrest at Baldwin where they had been playing soccer with some friends. I took them to JJ's and visited with Logan, he was working for someone and was the scooter wheeling delivery boy. We wandered home after that and chilled.

Last Freshman Game...

Started out warm this AM but cooled off thru the day. Was supposed to rain but that missed us, didn't get to walk but did get to eat at JJ's with my beautiful wife. We enjoy eating there on occasion and there is usually someone extra there to visit with. Laura told me that Sherry B's Mom died on Sunday. She was 79 and a very nice lady, I always enjoyed talking to her at concert functions. I met Keaton and Forrest at the Guitar Shop after work today so we could have Al look at Keaton's first guitar to see what it would take to convert it to a lap slide guitar so he can try to teach himself how to play. We bought some items and Al re-strung it and tuned it before we left. Al is a great guy and I was excited to have Keaton meet him, this is where Logan would spend some of his early guitar learning days. Got a call about a must read article in the Whig so had to go get Jan's paper after getting home from work. The article was about the Quincy Classic tournament last week with some comments about QSL. Anna, Morgan and Stephanie were at the house playing and having a great time, I guess we were watching Steph :) unofficially. We ate some supper and the girls played some more. Keaton, Forrest and Gabe were hanging out back and forth between here and the Jacobs. I walked Steph home and then Anna and I took Morgan home, picked up Caleb from QJHS (they won 3-1) and came back home. Caleb gave us the low down on the final freshman game to complete his first year of high school soccer. I think he had a good time with no regrets. Laura was reading a good book and I worked way too late on QSL rosters.

Bike Ride to QU...

Got up for church plenty early with no extras going today. Made our way to Wendy's and then came home to lounge a bit before heading out again. Laura had kids choir and there is a QU soccer game this afternoon. I wasn't planning to go but decided to ride my bike out there since it is so nice. I sent the boys on in the car and met them out there for the second half. The game was a good one and QU won 5-2. I stopped by JJ's on the way back home and Logan was leaving and Kori was just getting there. I talked to Kori for a bit, just long enough for the UMSL player bus to show up and eat, they were wondering if they had enough bread. I went by Logan's house next and talked to him on the front porch while the dogs tried to get the front door open. We had a good visit, seems like we only talk at work or when he is ready to unwind lately. Made it home and Laura and I decided to walk before ordering pizza for supper. I went in and picked it up, talked to Alex L. for a bit about buying the truck when he sells his camaro. We watched the rest of extreme make over and got everyone to bed at a decent hour for the start of a new school week.

Sat. in Jefferson City...

Got up early to get Caleb at QHS for the bus. This will be my last trip out of town for freshman ball this season. I went by CoB for some good coffee and talked to Jan for a bit before getting out of there, She is an interesting lady that likes to share. Went back home to get Anna and head out to Jefferson City for 2 games, hopefully Caleb will play one. We stopped in Hannibal for gas and a couple snacks and then took off again. I called and talked to Mom when I was almost to Kingdom City. She was going to go to the candle light service at the retreat that Dad is on this weekend, Anna finished the call to get caught up with Nanny. We arrived at the fields a little before the start of the game, we only took one wrong turn. The field they played on was real nice, similar to the Vianney field in St. Louis a few weeks back. Bradley played the first game and the team tied 0-0, they could have played better and even won at the end if the ref's would have been more knowledgeable. Anna and I slipped out to Wendy's to get cooled off and grab a bite, it was a nice cool, clean spot. Caleb played the second game of the day and the team seemed to stay flat again. They lost 2-0 and Caleb had one blooper land in the corner and another break away with NO help from the defence. Not sure what the problem was other than being hot, but these guys have played better. Anna and I waited around for Caleb after the game and took some of his stuff. He rode on the bus with the gang, they made a quick stop at Wendy's and we wandered on. I missed an exit and ended up downtown Jeff City so I drove Anna around the Very Big capital building before leaving the big city. Laura had 2 weddings today and checked in with me for updates between them. We got home a bit after 5pm and had plenty of time to relax for a bit before the next function. Anna and Caleb went down to Craig's to talk about the up coming Halloween party and of coarse play. Laura and I went to the Mock reception to eat and have some adult time out. She told me about her outdoor wedding and the fun they had with the wind, Kori sang with her and things worked out fine after getting all the equipment in place and tested before hand. She had help from Keaton and thanked him by taking him out for a late lunch at Fazoli's. Our supper was good, that was my first time at the Ambiance, pretty nice place and I even found the perfect slice of cake. We didn't stay long since the kids were still down at Craig's. We unloaded some music items out of the van while in the parking lot and headed home to unwind for the rest of the evening.

Paint in the Dark...

The kids only have a half day of school today because of teachers institute. Keaton is planning to get my car to go paint and also to pick up the QSL Kohl order. This will help me out and let him have a car to get around, Laura will come get me for lunch and then again after work I guess. Laura worked a bit late today to stay caught up and she came and got me for lunch, we just drove thru and went back tp work since my lunch was running late. After work Laura fixed supper and Keaton and Forrest came home and ate. Caleb and Anna rode with GMa and GPa to the QU soccer game and I will catch up later. Keaton and Forrest had to go back and paint at the fields some more so I worked getting the concession stand ready for the weekend. The boys finished painting in the dark and bragged that it was the best ever, maybe because they couldn't see the lines, I guess time will tell. I had them drop me off at the QU game so I could watch the second half. QU won 2-1 and Caleb, Anna and I rode home with Jan and Lawson. We were in the race car so it didn't take long to get there.

She's Everywhere...

Laura had a funeral to play for this AM and we met at the mall to walk. Actually kind of warm out today so it was nice to be inside. Keaton came and got my car after working out so he and Forrest could go line fields. The JV team is supposed to play QND today at Baldwin - 5pm, Caleb had practice instead of dressing for JV like planned earlier this week so Laura had to drop off his stuff at 3pm, Caleb will go to the game after that and watch. Laura and Anna picked me up from work after flute practice and then we went home. Laura is fixing supper for us and the Meats tonight so she has been very busy all day running around town. I delivered supper and then picked up Caleb after the JV game. We came back home and ate before Anna had piano practice at 7pm. I took Anna to piano and called for Alan to see about the Bridgestone but no one was home, I did drive by and find his house. After piano I took Anna to TCBY and we sat and talked and watched the other people in the shop. It must have been senior night there because there were lots of older people in and out. It was interesting to watch and listen, one gentleman had a lady friend that he introduced to another couple. I pray to be able to grow old together with the one I Love, it can't be healthy to be alone :)

Finally at QND...

The weather is great today and Laura and I were able to walk outside again. Met at the park and walked Maine Street, Very nice walk and great company :) It looks like the weather will be nice enough to finally play the QHS v QND soccer game tonight @ QND. I guess the JV game won't be played until Thursday night now, seems to be getting hard to fit these 2 games in this week. Laura has ladies prayer group at our house tonight so I will be keeping myself and the kids clear of the house until 9pm-ish. Aate supper and took 3 boys and a little girl to the game, we got there right after it started and sat on the south end near the QHS visitors section. Keaton and I sat by each other and were having a good time watching and commenting about all the action. Anna found Morgan and were playing together most of the 2nd half, they checked back several times to make sure I wasn't lost I guess. Jonathan B. had the winning bicycle goal which was very awesome. (2-1) What a great thing, him scoring the goal in such a super fashion --- chew on that. We went to JJ's after the game to munch and visit with Logan. It was good to see him and nice to have several of the kids there having a good time talking and joking. Luke J. came in and I got to visit with him for a bit too. I hope he continues to stay in school and work hard. Took Forrest home after that and got to our house a little after 9pm and the ladies were gone, good timing. Watched the news and saw Jonathan's goal again and then in slow motion, VERY COOL.

Mr. Kelly at the Mall...

Walked at the mall today and saw JT Kelly. We stopped and talked a bit and he said that he just returned from 4 months in Iraq. He said things went OK but was very hot there, he has to go back for 11 months at the end of the week. He also said that he just got engaged to Megan, he was very excited about that. JT will be in our thoughts and prayers and I want to get his email address from his parents so I can stay in contact with him and support him. He is a great kid who spent a lot of time with Logan in high school and after. Thank You JT and God Bless You Always. Came straight home after work for a QHS @ QND soccer evening. The weather was looking pretty iffy and there is a storm coming in. Talked to Laura on my way home and she is going to keep me posted about the game. By the time I got home and started changing clothes it had started to rain real good and lots of lightning. Laura called back and said that the games will be played tomorrow. We did some ham, eggs and hash browns for supper, Laura dropped off Anna to PSR and then had chior. I fixed stuff for me and two boys, Adam was on his way to St. Louis with Logan and Mak for a concert and Kori was working. Keaton, Caleb and Gabe went out and played in the water after the storm, had some Boy fun and I worked on some QSL rosters. Anna got home, played and danced a bit before bed time.

Grill Out tonight...

Keaton woke up with a headache this morning so he took some medicine and went back to bed for awhile, Laura took him to school. I got to tell Anna good morning and good by today since I left a little later. Walked at the mall and talked to Dave S. about Drew today and he said that Drew was doing better and nothing seemed to be broke or out of place. He will miss the QND game tomorrow but hopefully will be back soon. After work we decided to cook out, Laura picked up some turkey steaks the other day and we did a few hamburgers too, good stuff. Was going to go out and get some cat food and stop by JJ's but ended up staying home and relaxing.

Volunteer Again...

Another early morning of volunteering, maybe just get these out of my system all in one weekend. I went down to the river and helped setup for Shoutfest 2007 again this year. The weather was great and it was awesome being next to the river, slight breeze and the sun shinning, what a way to start the morning. Then reality of the task at hand set in. A semi truck was making it's way into position near the gazebo, this will become the Main Stage for all the big name christian bands. This is quite an impressive mobile unit, the sides open like wings and the top raises to form a roof about 20 foot tall. Some speakers hang from each side and the others sit on the ground right in from of the stage, WOW it puts out a lot of sound. I left the river about 11:30am and went out to Wendy's for lunch with only half our people. Anna and I swung by and looked at scooter for sale on broadway, it was a Big Ruckus 250, kind of cute but not really what I want to spend my money on. Started to cloud up around supper time and we watched the storm roll in. Rained real good, lots of lightning and some big time thunder. A storm rolled in the last time I helped at the Shoutfest so I think I will stay away from now on. Adam was working and said he heard the bands playing after the rain so they must have covered up and resumed. Got to bed at a decent time tonight.

Gate Watcher...

Had to get up early and work the gate and concessions at the Flinn Annex. I like that name instead of Flinn Esat, which is west of Flinn; DON'T ASK. I got there about 8:15am, had to swing by CoB for coffee and then by PDSC to make sure there was no buses in the parking lot. The gate was not very busy, the sun was shining so it made for a nice morning. I stayed there until about 1:15pm, the wind picked up pretty good by then. I could see some of the game near me but wasn't really trying to watch to hard. Went home after that and relaxed. Laura had a 2pm wedding so we just kind of hung out for awhile. Caleb had to be back out to QU for a 6:30 game again so I went out again and watched a better night of high school soccer. A little more scoring and more fun to watch. Keaton and Forrest came out again, I think they were trying to see what females might be wandering around this night. They sat down at a lower level. Laura got a call from Jackie S. about watching the little girls so she and Anna were having a good time playing with them. Caleb was finished at a better time tonight and he wanted to swing by and get something to eat. We decided to get some cheese sticks from Papa John's since Fielder was playing in Bloomington tonight. Have to catch Logan a different night. We got home and the girls were still there so Caleb and I had to get our hugs in and play for a bit. Next he and I went to pee the dog over at Ellen's house, Kori's job and she went to see Fielder so we covered for her. Good thing I took Caleb otherwise I might still be there trying to sweet talk that dog into going outside with me.

Super Soccer...

Got to walk outside today down Maine Street. It was a great day to be out, even got plenty warm by the end of our walk. Adam picked me up from work today, my car was gone to paint fields and Laura was practicing with a singer for a wedding tomorrow. Quickly changed clothes and had to go out to PDSC to pick up Caleb and head over to QU fields so he could be ball boy for the two evening games there. QHS is hosting a big 28 team tournament this weekend and 4 top teams in the nation are playing at QU. There is a bog hipe going around town and I am expecting a good crowd out there. Caleb got there about a half hour early and I was one of the first in the stands. Keaton and Forrest were lining fields and stocking the cooler and came out later. The crowd picked up by half time of the first game and several other teams came in to watch the games. They were also bribed a bit with pizza in the stands for their supper. Both games went to double overtime and there was only 1 goal scored all night. Good soccer but not very exciting to watch. It cooled off quite a bit and I even got cold a couple of times. (I won't tell Laura though) Caleb and I got home about 11pm, he got one drink and some pizza for his busy work. He did say that some coaches yell a lot more than others.

Caleb Traveled...

Woke up this AM to a clear sky sporting a VERY bright full moon, it was awesome. Today is Makenzie's 22 birthday so I have to make sure I call her. Today's lunch was a haircut and a Mc-Wrap. Laura was so kind to bring me one after grocery shopping and sit and visit for a few minutes. Anna had flute and her and Laura had to pick me up from work because Keaton and Forrest came and got my car to go line fields. The freshman team plays soccer in Springfield tonight so Caleb left from school early for the bus trip. Just kind of chilled after work and we decided on pizza for supper after Anna's piano lesson. Laura and I took Anna and went for a walk and talk while we waited for her to finish. We cover a lot of ground and several subjects when we do this... Picked up Papa John's and Caleb called saying when he would be at QHS, he said they tied 1-1 and he played the second half and saved a break-away attempt with 10 seconds left, VERY COOL. We didn't really expect him to play at all. Went home and ate before having to leave again. Called Mak on my way to pick up Caleb from QHS, she was socializing at Tower with her Mom and a friend, I thought Logan was fixing her supper?? Caleb and I called Thom on our way home and told him about the big soccer weekend, also had to tell him about his big game. Caleb made his rounds with stories before showering and heading to bed. Laura left to sing meditation at Cursillo so I messed on the computer and stayed up too late. I talked to Adam after he got home from work and before he went back out. He went shopping today and found a cool Columbia sweatshirt at TJ Max. He was telling me about his bargain shopping, Laura should be proud :) He gets another paycheck tomorrow. Laura got home REAL late.

The Moon...

I didn't get out of the building for lunch today because of a couple computer deploys. Laura brought me a sandwich and part of a cinnamon roll after waiting for a bit at the park hoping to walk outside since it was a perfect day. Got home after work, Keaton and Forrest came home from birthday shopping with Forrest's grandma. Forrest was all pumped about getting some new soccer cleats, shorts and a ball. I think those two are going to play indoor on a team the first session this fall. Laura fixed supper and we all ate together and joked around. Caleb had piano so I took him and then dropped off some keys. I went back and waited then Caleb wanted to swing by Hy-Vee to get a snack. Got home and started some QSL stuff and made a few calls. Anna called for me to go get her at Stephanie's so I rode down and got her. The moon is full and very bright tonight, awesome. Laura was still at her girls prayer group, we messed for a bit before getting ready for bed. I had another call to finish and finally got things squared away with that team. Laura finished up some chores and I had to make a late night run to Hy-Vee for Caleb's supper for tomorrow evenings soccer game in Springfield. I think we spend way too much on just his food for travel.

First Date...

Today I am remembering 29 years ago was our first date. Taco John's, Washington Theatre, Sid Simpson, Starry Night... Wow, a lot of things have changed since those first days, but My Love for Laura has only grown. Thank You Dear for allowing me to Love You!! We walked at the mall today since it is finally raining. It was a good steady one without any storms, very nice. Came straight home from work tonight because of a booster club meeting at 6pm. Laura made tacos (hhhmmm) so I was able to grab a bite before I left, Thank You wonderful You. The meeting went fine and dropped off some money as well. I signed up for some concessions on Sat, maybe Anna will work this with me :) Picked Keaton, Caleb and Forrest up at Baldwin, they were playing soccer with some friends. Kind of got messy but mostly warn out from all the play, "It's Good for you" as a parent would say :) They were fired up about the stormy weather and the color of the sky, ORANGE where they were at. It was neat to hear them talk about that. We swung by and got a big drink and a cookie, Keaton reminded me about his food class at school and how good his cookies turned out today, made three tins full and some left over for the teachers. Dropped off Forrest and went home so the boys could eat supper. Beat Anna home from PSR and Laura is still at Salem. The evening wound down with Anna doing some homework and Laura telling me about her Organ meeting. Adam did ask me if I saw the sky tonight, he saw purple down by the river.

Anna Check-up...

Got to sleep in a bit this morning, but had to eat breakfast before 9am. Laura, Anna and I all went down together to eat and also to check out the pool situation. We found a good mixture of edible items and of coarse Anna had to have her own coffee. No one was swimming so Anna and I went back up and got our swim suits on. Anna was the only one that swam and I stayed down and watch as she swam, sang and danced for over an hour. We made our way back upstairs to shower and shave. We left before noon check out and had frickn' pancakes at IHOP for lunch. Actually Anna had pancakes... We made our way to the Dr. office and got checked in. We had two different waits but not bad. It helps when you know the people and can visit to pass the time. Laura and Anna have lots of friends. Dr. Doug did a pacemaker check and found some episodes but nothing he could put a finger on. The battery life is right at three years now which is good news. Doug said he does not hear the atrial murmur like he had 2 check ups ago. We just hope his hearing is not going. It is so nice that we can make friends with all of Anna's care givers. It allows us to be more free with our questions and lack of knowledge and puts us on a different playing field with all the nurses and doctors. We truly have been blessed with great people at OSF on this journey. After the check up we wandered towards Quincy, stopping in Springfiled and eating at Cracker Barrel. We had a good meal and bumped into Mary Dobbins before leaving. We chatted about old and new times, it was very nice to see her. She is a very sweet lady. Got home 8pm-ish and had time for Anna to play and us to get caught up on the Monday we missed at home and unwind before bed time. It was a good trip and nice to not be rushed and great to have a good check-up.

Touch Picnic...

Got moving around 7:30am-ish today. Had to pack for the trip so needed to get moving. Anna was up early and getting all of her stuff in line. She always seems to be ready for another road trip :) Laura is working the Salem shift this morning and the three of us will be leaving when she gets home. Got Keaton and Caleb up for church so they aren't wasting their whole day. They can do the lunch thing plus there is a QU soccer game today. Keep them busy so they will hopefully stay out of trouble. Laura and I did some bible study along the way and this was a nice way to spend the drive time. Haven't done this before and will probably do it again, Anna was watching a movie and listening to music. Made it to the picnic in time for lunch, but we ate Wendy's when getting fuel so we just started looking for people we know. We saw some of our ole faithful adults and children and Dr. Geiss too. He did not recognize Anna with her short hair and size. I'm sure he can't believe his eyes when these kids grow bigger. Thank God and Him that so many are able to grow BIGGER. We got to see Grandma Sharon and Eliasha, they look very good. I can't remember the last time I saw them. These people and their families were there in the beginning with us and Laura spent a lot of time with Sharon and Emily (Eliasha's Mom). John at the picnic said that you never forget the people you were with in the beginning, so true. We only did one train ride this year, met some new people, the O'Toole's who have twin girls with heart issues and talked for a bit. Anna bought a TOUCH sweatshirt had some cookies and soda, didn't win any prizes but played with some old friends. We went wandering after the picnic, a little shopping, ate supper ate Culver's, left a message for Tammy and ended up going to Cold Stone Creamery by ourselves. Very good stuff and I was forced to finish the girls last bites. We checked into the Holiday Inn Express and also checked-in with the boys. Anna swam a bit and then we showered and chilled for the night.

Full Saturday...

My day strated with Caleb needing to be at QHS to catch the bus for Hannibal at 7:30am. Didn't get to sleep in too late this morning :) I went to CoB for some good coffee and then met Hy-Vee at the PDSC to receive product for the QSL / Hy-Vee picnic this weekend. I got things lined out for the day, started the grill and stuck around to make sure all the workers showed up. The crowd was up and down and we did have some good spurts. I picked up Keaton and Forrest to drop them off at the JV/Var soccer game and then HAD to swing by TNT to check out the festivities, Harley's before returning to the PDSC. I left the fields and picked up Anna so we could go to Hannibal and watch the freshman play, Laura has a wedding today. It was hot and very sunny and the ground was dry and hard there too. Caleb did not play the first game but did get in the second game because Bradley got hurt. The coach decided to keep Caleb in so it turned out to be a good game to watch. Caleb had one real good save that kept the shutout alive, pretty sweet. Caleb rode back with us mainly so he can get home sooner, could be the bus smells. He got cleaned up and went to a barn party, Keaton was at the Knapheide company party with Forrest and Anna and I ran back out to the fields to make sure all was put away and things are ready for tomorrow. Laura and I were down to just Anna for the evening so we caught up with Jan, Lawson, Bonnie, Kenny, Thom, Kendall and Brianna for supper at Nothing Special. It was special with great company, saw pictures of the new parents and grand-daughter...

Friday Night Sports...

Took lunch time to deliver Doyle grill to QSL, pick-up Kohl order and take it back out to QSL. Laura had lunch with the ladies... She always has fun with that. Caleb was supposed to have a soccer game in Hannibal tonight but that has been canceled and the first game on Sat. Morning has been changed to 9am. That kind of messes up the initial plans for the day. This did allow Caleb, Gabe and I to go to the QU mens soccer game tonight, Keaton and Forrest dropped us off, went and stocked the QSL coneccesion stand for me and then went on to the QHS football game. Laura, Anna, Kendall and Brianna went to the football game too. The QU game was pretty good except they lost. Caleb and Gabe went out back and played some soccer and I was able to sit with Thom, Lindsi, Beth and Lawson. It cooled off some and turned out pretty pleasant. After the QU game the boys and I rode in the IROC with Thom over to the end of the QHS football game. It was packed and lots of noise and excitement, fun stuff. The football team beat Galsburg, this is the first time that QHS has won a homecoming game in 21 years. WOW. We stayed and watched the band preform and then left.

QHS Parade...

Had kids going every which way today after school. Keaton and Forrest needed to go paint after their YMCA workout. They hitched a ride to come get my car so they are set. I checked on Caleb and he was at home planning to ride with Grandma to QJHS to ride on the soccer truck for the homecoming parade. Anna is going to get a ride from Kendall and Brianna to Madison Park so they can watch. Laura got stuck in Hannibal with Kori and Lindsi, running late. Kori is getting a new style hair cut and it takes awhile to do it. Also, found out that she cut someone else's hair in the middle of Kori's cut. That didn't go over very well : I walked from work to the park to watch the parade. It was the same ole short parade with a special float from Baldwin School. Caleb was on the wrong side of the truck so I didn't get a picture. Anna had piano practice after that and Keaton picked up Caleb from school. Laura and I waited for Anna and discussed the day so far and she shared some knowledge from the 20ish girls. Scary stuff and crazy kids. Always have to communicate and know where they are I guess. Fielder plays at SIUE and Kori is going too. Please watch over them Lord... We gathered at Mia's for supper with Thom and Kendall. Was kind of late for food but we managed.

Busy Day...

Had another cookout today at work for the UW fundraiser. I had more to do since others were out of town today. No big deal but it always seems to warm up when we do this. Everyone seems to enjoy these and we make the same amount of money each time. Talked to the coaches after work today to get an understanding of what Caleb needs to do going forward. Had a very good conversation and got the info we needed to move forward. Still can't help but wonder about the whole picture. At least there is opportunity for Caleb to move forward still. Laura fixed a great supper, smelled soooo gooood walking in the back door after work. Thank You Dear :) Caleb had piano and he and I believe that there are only 2 players on his soccer team that do music too. I am very proud that he has continued this. Who knows how good he would be if he practiced. Anna mentioned TCBY, but went to Ema's to play instead. Got to talk to Kori for a bit before she went out. Haven't got to do that for awhile and miss it.

Soccer Again...

I had to leave work a little early today so I could help work concessions at the QHS JV/Var game at Flinn. It was hot and very little air circulating. I did my 1.5 hour gig while the freshman were playing on the west field. Caleb didn't play in the game so I didn't have to be relieved of my duties. Watched the varsity game and wasn't that fun until the second half. Things got a little more exciting against Macomb before it ended with a 4-0 win. Caleb sat with me for a bit before going off and playing more soccer with his friends. Keaton hung out with Forrest and Tony during the game, quite the crew. Tony was trying to figure out what stunt to do the next time he scores. Adam called wondering where everyone was, he got off work early. Came home and had more discussions about soccer. Should get some answers tomorrow.

Soccer Frustration...

Very nice day again, actually got hot. That is fine, I don't want the warmth to go away completely. Went to the Dr. today for a check-up and I said something about my bowling injury to him. He did a needle with steroid procedure on me that would make Thom proud. He said it should be a permanent fix to the "Triger Finger" and I should notice a difference in a few days. Wasn't that bad of a deal, I took it like a man :) The freshman soccer team has a make-up game with Sacred Heart from Springfield scheduled for 5pm today that I am planning to go see. Keaton and Forrest came and got my car since they did not want to go to the game. Laura and Anna came and got me from work to go to the game. Not sure if Caleb will be starting this game or not because of the rotation between the 3 goalies. They have played an even amount of games to this point. Turned out that Caleb did not get to play and also found out that the coach has made a decision to go with Bradley as the freshman team starting goalie. This sparked a lot of debate and discussion amongst the immediate Caleb fans. As a matter of fact it went on into the evening. Will probably talk to the coach and find out what Caleb needs to work on to become a starter. Very frustrating situation since we know this decision isn't based on talent. The most important thing is to keep an eye on Caleb, this is his game not ours and he will let us know how important it is to all of us.

Sunday Lounge...

Did the Sunday Church and lunch routine, but Laura had to leave early from lunch to do a funeral at 1pm. Can't remember her ever having to do that before. She said the gentleman's ashes were going to be buried on the farm and also that the family was going to have a picnic at the farm after the funeral service. Very Neat. BTW, Happy birthday Sachika and thanks for the link to Hana's own web page. ( Check this link out. It is listed to the right under the favorites list... Laura and I took a walk later in the day and then we all went to Faler's for pizza, brownies and FUN ice cream. The kids were busy doing their own thing and the adults gathered round and had fun with everyting. Music and singing with lots of noise at some points...

Retun from St. Louis Soccer...

Woke up early to start a busy soccer morning in STL. Keaton and I had breakfast at the hotel and then wandered to DeSmet high school. Caleb did not play this game either, must be going to have the last game. They lost game two 3-0. We went back to the hotel and checked out before looking for our final game. We ended up driving past the entrance twice before figuring it out. We got there in plenty of time which was a good thing because they started 15 minutes early. It was obvious very soon that this was going to be a tough game. Caleb made a great save within the first minute. They ended up losing 4-0 but Caleb played a great game, he certainly has caught me by surprise with his desire and ability at that position. Lots of action and some real good talent down south. We headed straight back home after that with only one stop to fill up for gas. Made it home for supper time and went to the store with Laura to get supplies. We just hung out for the rest of the night. Caleb and Keaton went to bed early, must have got up too early.

Off to St. Louis...

I got off work at 1pm and went home to pack. Laura and I were able to walk outside together which was very nice. I picked Keaton up from school and we headed south. We got held up in some traffic near the zoo area and ended up missing most of the first half. Caleb did not play this game. The sports complex at SLUH was very nice and looked pretty new. The field was artificial turf like K&L. The freshman lost 2-1. We wandered back to the motel and beat the team bus there so we didn't have to wait in line. Our room is not bad at all. The players showered and then we met up at Fortel's Pizza Den. It was very good pizza and even had live entertainment. (Tony Viviano?) We went back to the motel after that and Keaton worked out. Caleb called wanting his new gloves and came down from his room to pick them up. Keaton and I decided to go look for Cold Stone Creamery but spent a lot of time looking and never did find it. We did Hardee's instead. We finally snoozed for the night but didn't sleep real great.

Another Haircut...

Today is Laura's big day. She went all the way to Hannibal to get her Locks cut and ended up with a perm for the finished product. Big difference and looks VERY nice. The girls will pack up their Locks and send them with Love to the final destination. Very proud to have these great people in my life. Make sure you check out the Locks of Love link on the right hand side of this page. Caleb and I went to the fields and stocked and cleaned the concession stand this evening. He was a great help, saved me about an hour of work. We had a good time working together. Don't tell anyone but he drove a bit inside the parking lot. I think all the boys have started learning that way. Not sure about Kori, I will have to ask her.

Backyard Needs Mowed...

Laura brought me half a sandwich for lunch today. I got stuck in the building for most of the day. I don't like when I can't leave for an hour. I did get to slip out and have the hot chocolate machine fixed. Dropped Caleb off to piano and then came back and mowed the backyard, it was past time. Amazing how even cut weeds can look so much better. Keaton and Forrest went to pick up Caleb and then grabbed some food. Anna was at Stephanie's and Laura at women's prayer group. Adam went to play FROLF and Kori was out... It cooled off a bit and I ended up getting out the metal fire pit. It has been sitting in the same spot since I had it made, never been used. I did a test run and it worked real well. I will be forced to do it again.

Good Stuff for Lunch...

I worked the UW employee lunch today. Vicki Arnold commented on what a great job Kori did at the Elk's for her Mom's 80th birthday party. Vicki just new she belonged to Jan :) Laura had to play for a Dean function in the afternoon so Adam and I went to lunch at the Pier. He gets half price meals for him and his family. What a great deal and a good time. We talked to Dave Stroot a bit and I certainly enjoyed Adam's company. He did not introduce me to his Boss though. I think he is waiting until he gets a better title... Dish washer is just not overly impressive :) I got rid of the old mulcher mower I got from Dr. Clark. I hope he won't mind. Keaton, Caleb and Forrest were playing a good game of soccer in the back yard when I left; still playing when I returned.

Adam Project and Truck...

Walked at the mall during lunch for the first time this school season with my beautiful wife :) Called Alan McCoy about the Bridgestone and left a message. Adam had to make a run to WM for some parts and pieces. He has a speech project to do on Tuesday and will be demonstrating to his class how to smoke a lens on his 1994 VW Golf. (I hope he won't be inhaling) I learned some new things too, actually very neat. Who thinks of this stuff? We also changed out some lamps on the truck to get it road legal again. He spent the reat of his evening working on the project.

More Soccer at QU...

It was such a nice day for anything so I decided to ride my bike to the QU men's game. Keaton, Caleb and Forrest drove after our wonderful lunch at Wendy's. Thom road his HD bike and we had fun watching an entertaining game. Laura and Anna started kids choir today so they were at practice. I swung by JJ's but Logan was not working. I wandered home from there and enjoyed the ride.

First Time to Chatham...

Dropped Caleb off at QHS in the AM to catch the bus for three soccer games at Chatham Glenwood high school. Came back home to get Keaton and Forrest for the trip over. Had a little rain along the way. The first two games were played with over cast skies and it tried to rian a bit for the start of the third game. The team went 2-1 for the day and Caleb played a whole 30 minutes, but NO goals against :) Thom, Kendall and Brianna came over so we hung out with them. We all ate at Ryan's Buffet afterwards and had a great time eating, eating and eating.

Haircut Day For Anna...

The day has finally arrived for the cut, sculpture and donation of Anna's hair. She has been talking about this for a long time and now she gets to do it. " Locks Of Love" Laura took the camera to the Hair Trio and captured a few moments. Pretty neat stuff. They came and picked me up from work this day and Anna's hair cut was perfect. She looks even more cute if possible, and full of excitement. What a wonderful site. Her sibblings were just as curious to see her and enjoyed it as well. Fun for everyone. I wish I could do that... Also, took in another QU soccer game this night and had to do some QSL concession stand setup. We didn't get home until 11pm, WOW.

QSL at QU...

Have been looking forward to this night of soccer for awhile. Missed the women's game but made it in plenty of time for the men. This was QU vs Culver and there were several Quincy players on the field. (a lot of little tykes running around, I think QSL had a good showing) We made it thru the first half before it started to rain. It started coming down good when the Special Olympic Teams were being announced. They all seemed to have a good time. The boys and I were sitting right in the middle of that crowd of player/spectators. It was very noisy in our section with the constant chatter. They are a very SPECIAL bunch. The rain stopped after half time and the game went on. We stayed until the end and weren't too wet for the wear.

QHS vs QND...

Big soccer night in town. Laura got the boys to Flinn for the JV game. I was able to go home first so I could change clothes. Made it to the last part of the JV game. The varsity game was just as good as always. The lime light had to go to Taylor Nord though. He had everyone's attention most of the night. Very fun to watch and to be there with our little soccer lover group. The Stupasky sisters and Lawson sang and then Lawson stayed on for the announcers job again. Turned out to be a QHS night.

Last Pile of Rock...

I had only one goal this Labor Day weekend and that was to get the last bit of rock off the driveway... Walked with Laura to start the day, it's going to be another warm one. We will be going to Jan & Lawson's this evening for Labor Day eats, so I will have to get my playing in before late afternoon. Anna came out a couple of times between playing and helped me with some the cloth. I told her I may have to go swimming to get cooled down so I think she was waiting for that. I also said we may get to go on a HD ride later. I finally got all the rock moved and then got cooled off by myself; not sure where Anna went. I did go get Thom's HD and took a few nice rides, Caleb to and from soccer practice, Anna around town and down by the river, Keaton for a good one almost every where else. Plenty warm but always fun. Good food, desert and great company to end the day...

Pre Labor Day...

It was a hot one so I didn't get moving very soon after church and lunch. Logan came by to get Grandpa's truck to do some moving. Keaton went with him and then Anna and I met them over at the Broadway house. (We had to slip in a scooter ride too) This will be a very nice place for them. Lots of space and very clean. Logan and I moved the washer and dryer downstairs and hooked some things up. The boys and Anna watched some flat screen TV, very cool. Anna and Caleb had a party to go to so they were dropped off early evening at Dede's. Laura came by Logan's house to check the place out as well and we had to play with the dogs too. Keaton, Logan, Laura and I went to Fazoli's for a late supper. We had a very nice time together. Good stuff, Thanks Guys...

Soccer, soccer, Grove...

Keaton, Caleb and I went to another QHS soccer game at 9am. We will be going back at 1pm as well and Anna will go then. Laura has a wedding so we will catch up with her later. Got plenty of sun for the day and just hung out inside the rest of the afternoon. Fielder ( was playing at the Grove so I decided to go out around ten'ish. Not as big of a crowd as the last time we were there. Kori was working the gate and Adam and Sam were there too. Listened and talked, the band sounded great. I like the outdoor music setting. Talked to Logan and he looked very tired. They had a long trip to and from Chicago the days before. He was hoping to get some needed sleep on Sunday. I talked to Jeremy Bigelow and Toby Daniels; hard to believe they are all grown up. I haven't seen Jeremy in a long time. I stayed way past my bedtime, didn't get home until midnight...

Friday night soccer...

Left straight from work to watch QHS varsity soccer at Flinn. Was surprised to hear Lawson was the announcer, very good job. Started out warm but did cool off nicely. QHS won. Me, Laura, Keaton, Caleb and Forrest met up at Kelly's with Jan, Lawson, Nita & Jerry. Old people sat at one table and the boys at the other. Had a nice visit before heading home. Logan playing in Chicago this night, always worry about those trips. Pray for them all to be safe and smart...

Who Am I?