Overcast Saturday...

Got a call the first thing this AM about QSL soccer games and weather related play. It is raining off and on but no lightning so the games must go on. Need to make sure I get to the YMCA today between 10-1pm so I can save the $85 start up fee for a membership. Laura has 2 weddings today so she will be busy and then she has a concert tonight to work. Anna is going to the Brink's house for a wiener roast if the weather holds out. Kind of hung around the house in the AM and then Anna and I went to the Y to get our new membership swipe cards and have our pictures taken for the computer system. We ended up getting everyone else's cards too and taking a brief tour. I think Anna is most interested in the swimming portion of the membership. Next I took Anna out to the Brink's house and then came back in to the Y to workout. I went home after that to freshen up a bit and then was asked on a early supper date at Applebee's with Laura. We enjoyed ourselves and I was briefed on the wedding events for the day, there are always some good things that happen at weddings. A couple of stops later we were back at home for the next function. Laura did a wardrobe change and had to be at the QJHS to help setup for the symphony concert around 6pm and I went just before 7pm thinking it started at 7, I was there in plenty of time for the 7:30pm start time :) Logan called and actually came to sit with me and we got to spend some time together, he was dressed in his nicest sweat pants and we even hung out with Mom at half time. I would of liked to had more talk time so I will have to make that happen. It was sprinkling after the concert so he had to wander thru the raindrops on his scooter to get home, I don't think he got too wet. I called for Anna and had to go clear out and get her from Brink's before heading home for the night, there were some big kids there but the party was dwindling. Anna talked to me about her friend Katie and her sister and told me that they were adopted by the Brink's. I had asked Anna about siblings and such because I wasn't sure how many kids were in the family. She mentioned that the girls Mom didn't want them or something like that, Wow I wonder what goes thru their head when they talk about that stuff. We got home to Keaton getting dreads from Forrest, I guess a friend of Forrest's Mom did the sectioning for him so Forrest could start on the dreading, or what ever it is called.

Who Am I?