Homeless Awareness...

Rolled out around 8am, just couldn't sleep any longer and made some coffee. Laura doesn't have a wedding today so that makes the day different from the get go. Looked in the newspaper and online for the days events. We ended up going to the Octoberfest parade down Maine street starting at 2pm. The weather is wonderful today and even hot in the sun, the bands looked very warm at times while marching. I believe last year it was cold and rainy all day and night even during field competition, what a difference. Anna and I packed for the Y before we left so we had Laura drop us off so we could swim and work out. Laura ran out to TJ Max, messed around and then came back to pick us up after about an hour. I mowed the backyard when we got home and then got carried away cutting some low hanging oak limbs out back so I can setup a fire pit, Caleb and I made quite the mess. Laura made neopolitan dinner and apple crisp for supper and desert, I think Keaton may have ordered the dinner. After supper Caleb wanted to run out to Wal-Mart to look for an xbox game, he wants to spend some of his field painting money. Caleb, Keaton and I went out there and he found a soccer game to buy. We past some college students on the way out of the parking lot who were raising money for the homeless by living in boxes for 24 hours, we gave them all the change we had in the car. We stopped by JJ's to visit with Logan and invite him over for Keaton's B-day party on Sunday. We talked for a bit and had some good laughs, very neat to see them interact and all have fun. We wandered home and chilled the rest of the night.

Who Am I?