First Date...

Today I am remembering 29 years ago was our first date. Taco John's, Washington Theatre, Sid Simpson, Starry Night... Wow, a lot of things have changed since those first days, but My Love for Laura has only grown. Thank You Dear for allowing me to Love You!! We walked at the mall today since it is finally raining. It was a good steady one without any storms, very nice. Came straight home from work tonight because of a booster club meeting at 6pm. Laura made tacos (hhhmmm) so I was able to grab a bite before I left, Thank You wonderful You. The meeting went fine and dropped off some money as well. I signed up for some concessions on Sat, maybe Anna will work this with me :) Picked Keaton, Caleb and Forrest up at Baldwin, they were playing soccer with some friends. Kind of got messy but mostly warn out from all the play, "It's Good for you" as a parent would say :) They were fired up about the stormy weather and the color of the sky, ORANGE where they were at. It was neat to hear them talk about that. We swung by and got a big drink and a cookie, Keaton reminded me about his food class at school and how good his cookies turned out today, made three tins full and some left over for the teachers. Dropped off Forrest and went home so the boys could eat supper. Beat Anna home from PSR and Laura is still at Salem. The evening wound down with Anna doing some homework and Laura telling me about her Organ meeting. Adam did ask me if I saw the sky tonight, he saw purple down by the river.

Who Am I?