Birthday Girl big 11...

Woke up this AM and left a couple of notes around the house for the birthday girl. Laura gave Anna one of her gifts (cute shoes) before she left for school, she was very thrilled and a great way to start the day :) It is amazing that Anna is eleven years old now. I can remember when she was tiny wondering what we might be going thru when she reaches 11 or 12, Thank You Lord for this beautiful little girl and all the good things she has brought to our family. I pray that you continue to keep her healthy and strong. Laura played for a funeral at noon with Jan & Lawson so we ate at Kelly's with them instead of walking. Laura had to leave right as we were done to go practice with Ralph at home and I finished up with J&L before heading back to work. Keaton, Caleb and Alex L are planning to ride with them to the sectional game tonight in Springfield. It is clouding up and there is a chance of rain, Yuk. Adam called about some parts for his Golf, he needs a new fuel filter and wanted to get some fuel cleaning stuff to put in his tank. I helped him with this until next pay check. Anna had flute today and I saw a gift from her teacher when I got home from work, it was a pink poodle bank. It is a shame that she is not loved. She decided that she wanted to go to Village Inn for supper, just me Laura and the two girls, Adam had to work the second of his double. The three of us ran to TJ Max before piano and then met Kori after for supper. Anna's birthday meal was chocolate chip pancakes, silk pie for dessert and then washed it down with the last of Kori's coffee. (I borrowed these words from u know who :) Anna got two phone calls while we were sitting there too, Logan and Nanny. We ran to the store after that Laura ran in while we listened to the radio, QHS lost 2-0 and it did rain in the first half. Home next and then waited in bed for the boys to check in.

Who Am I?