Sat. in Jefferson City...

Got up early to get Caleb at QHS for the bus. This will be my last trip out of town for freshman ball this season. I went by CoB for some good coffee and talked to Jan for a bit before getting out of there, She is an interesting lady that likes to share. Went back home to get Anna and head out to Jefferson City for 2 games, hopefully Caleb will play one. We stopped in Hannibal for gas and a couple snacks and then took off again. I called and talked to Mom when I was almost to Kingdom City. She was going to go to the candle light service at the retreat that Dad is on this weekend, Anna finished the call to get caught up with Nanny. We arrived at the fields a little before the start of the game, we only took one wrong turn. The field they played on was real nice, similar to the Vianney field in St. Louis a few weeks back. Bradley played the first game and the team tied 0-0, they could have played better and even won at the end if the ref's would have been more knowledgeable. Anna and I slipped out to Wendy's to get cooled off and grab a bite, it was a nice cool, clean spot. Caleb played the second game of the day and the team seemed to stay flat again. They lost 2-0 and Caleb had one blooper land in the corner and another break away with NO help from the defence. Not sure what the problem was other than being hot, but these guys have played better. Anna and I waited around for Caleb after the game and took some of his stuff. He rode on the bus with the gang, they made a quick stop at Wendy's and we wandered on. I missed an exit and ended up downtown Jeff City so I drove Anna around the Very Big capital building before leaving the big city. Laura had 2 weddings today and checked in with me for updates between them. We got home a bit after 5pm and had plenty of time to relax for a bit before the next function. Anna and Caleb went down to Craig's to talk about the up coming Halloween party and of coarse play. Laura and I went to the Mock reception to eat and have some adult time out. She told me about her outdoor wedding and the fun they had with the wind, Kori sang with her and things worked out fine after getting all the equipment in place and tested before hand. She had help from Keaton and thanked him by taking him out for a late lunch at Fazoli's. Our supper was good, that was my first time at the Ambiance, pretty nice place and I even found the perfect slice of cake. We didn't stay long since the kids were still down at Craig's. We unloaded some music items out of the van while in the parking lot and headed home to unwind for the rest of the evening.

Who Am I?