Warm Day...

Did not walk at lunch today, Laura and I met at JJ's for lunch before my hair cut appointment. There was quite a few people working and talked to Amber at one point, very nice girl and she said to tell Anna Hi. After work we ate some supper and Carrie will take to PSR tonight and Kendall will bring home. The boys went to the fields after school to play soccer with their gang, Laura dropped them off. I was trying to get to the Y to workout while Laura went to choir and Anna was at PSR but that wasn't going to work because the boys would be calling soon for a ride home. I ended up doing a quick run thru the neighborhood and by the time I got home the boys were ready. I went to get them and they wanted to swing by JJ's to get a sandwich, so we did. We got home by 7:30pm to be there for Anna so everything worked out fine. We just relaxed the rest of the night since the night before was a busy evening.

Who Am I?