Thom's Day...

I got a call from Thom this AM while I was at work, I guess he was calling people to see if they remembered that it was his birthday. He said that he just saw Kori's car but there was a guy driving it, he wanted to make sure that everything was OK. We got some interesting news at work, Tony announced that he has a new Boss and it is Diane A. This will make for some interesting work days in the future to see if things change going forward at all. I can't image that there would be any changes soon. Laura has choir tonight and I will be driving for PSR and then going to a QHS booster club meeting, they are gearing up for a soup supper during basketball and need some workers. Keaton has his first indoor game tonight so I had to leave the meeting early. He and Forrest are so excited about playing they can hardly stand it. I went home and picked them up and headed out to K&L. It ended up that two of the boys couldn't play because they didn't have their picture ID's made yet. Forrest scored the first goal of the season, I would not of guessed that. Keaton played well and had an assist as goalie but didn't score, he was frustrated about that but I'm sure he will make up for it. We got home late and hurried Anna and Caleb to bed.

Who Am I?