Sunny Day...

Church and then Wendy's. Laura ran some errands after her Salem gig because she was in charge of decorations for the kids choir snacks after the concert. She was able to find the things she needed and met us for lunch. We went home after that and the girls got ready for the concert, I showed up in time for the start. Very good concert with many in attendance, the children do a great job and the piano player is awesome. Helped clean up afterwards and went home. Anna went over to GMa's and played with Brianna for awhile. Laura has to play another gig tonight at St. Francis for the Right to Life concert that Ralph and his family puts on. She went to that by herself because I was pretty sure I couldn't find any other kids to go with me. I got some comfy clothes on and made a little fire after Laura left, Keaton and Caleb came out and sharpened some sticks for a couple of marsh mellows, Adam was at work. We decided to order Domino's and I went and picked it up. We chowed down and Kori ate some too before she left for the evening. Watched a little of the Make Over show and Keaton went to get Anna from Bowen's about 8pm. The boys talked me into watching Wild Hogs with them so we lounged and took this movie in. It wasn't as great as all the hipe that I heard, not bad though. I fessed up to Laura about watching the movie without her, I hope she will forgive me. She got home after we were done, she went to Kelly's with her Ma & Pa after playing the evening gig.

Who Am I?