Bike Ride to QU...

Got up for church plenty early with no extras going today. Made our way to Wendy's and then came home to lounge a bit before heading out again. Laura had kids choir and there is a QU soccer game this afternoon. I wasn't planning to go but decided to ride my bike out there since it is so nice. I sent the boys on in the car and met them out there for the second half. The game was a good one and QU won 5-2. I stopped by JJ's on the way back home and Logan was leaving and Kori was just getting there. I talked to Kori for a bit, just long enough for the UMSL player bus to show up and eat, they were wondering if they had enough bread. I went by Logan's house next and talked to him on the front porch while the dogs tried to get the front door open. We had a good visit, seems like we only talk at work or when he is ready to unwind lately. Made it home and Laura and I decided to walk before ordering pizza for supper. I went in and picked it up, talked to Alex L. for a bit about buying the truck when he sells his camaro. We watched the rest of extreme make over and got everyone to bed at a decent hour for the start of a new school week.

Who Am I?