Birthday Boy...

Keaton 17th birthday is today. I can't believe he is that old and getting so big, he is really filling out from all the after school visits to the Y, his upper body is solid as a Rock. We had sandwiches for supper and the boys took off to play soccer at Baldwin for awhile with their friends. I drove the girls to PSR and then went out to K&L to drop off money and a team roster for Keaton's indoor team, I guess I will be listed as the coach/adult on the sideline. Went to the Y to work out next while Laura was at chior, Carrie is picking the girls up. Talked to Laura after working out and Anna was at Dede's because she didn't think anyone was home after PSR, (Adam was asleep still) Opps! Will have to do something different since this was the second time she has come home to no one this week. Keaton and Caleb went to JJ's and had Logan fix their supper, must have bummed a birthday meal from him. We will do his b-day party this weekend with the family.

Who Am I?