Last Pile of Rock...

I had only one goal this Labor Day weekend and that was to get the last bit of rock off the driveway... Walked with Laura to start the day, it's going to be another warm one. We will be going to Jan & Lawson's this evening for Labor Day eats, so I will have to get my playing in before late afternoon. Anna came out a couple of times between playing and helped me with some the cloth. I told her I may have to go swimming to get cooled down so I think she was waiting for that. I also said we may get to go on a HD ride later. I finally got all the rock moved and then got cooled off by myself; not sure where Anna went. I did go get Thom's HD and took a few nice rides, Caleb to and from soccer practice, Anna around town and down by the river, Keaton for a good one almost every where else. Plenty warm but always fun. Good food, desert and great company to end the day...

Who Am I?