She's Everywhere...

Laura had a funeral to play for this AM and we met at the mall to walk. Actually kind of warm out today so it was nice to be inside. Keaton came and got my car after working out so he and Forrest could go line fields. The JV team is supposed to play QND today at Baldwin - 5pm, Caleb had practice instead of dressing for JV like planned earlier this week so Laura had to drop off his stuff at 3pm, Caleb will go to the game after that and watch. Laura and Anna picked me up from work after flute practice and then we went home. Laura is fixing supper for us and the Meats tonight so she has been very busy all day running around town. I delivered supper and then picked up Caleb after the JV game. We came back home and ate before Anna had piano practice at 7pm. I took Anna to piano and called for Alan to see about the Bridgestone but no one was home, I did drive by and find his house. After piano I took Anna to TCBY and we sat and talked and watched the other people in the shop. It must have been senior night there because there were lots of older people in and out. It was interesting to watch and listen, one gentleman had a lady friend that he introduced to another couple. I pray to be able to grow old together with the one I Love, it can't be healthy to be alone :)

Who Am I?