Rainy and Cool...

Walked at the mall and ate at McD's. They really need to keep that eatery cleaner. It is rainy today, not a hard rain but just enough to be nasty - good thing it is not cold. Keaton came and picked up my car after working out and made a weekly visit to Kohl Wholesale for me. They probably won't be painting today. I forgot to let Laura know I needed a ride after work and Keaton didn't think to came back and get me, OH well I guess I paid for that mistake but it didn't take Laura long to get here. She told me about a Halloween party that Anna is wanting to go to tonight from 6:40 - 8:40pm, not sure why that time, but the girls talked on the telephone a couple of times and the next thing I new Anna was getting dressed up in a quick and easy costume. Laura and I took her to Country Club apartments clear in the back, not sure I was ever back that far before. I walked her to the door and the mother and daughter answered, the Mom was speaking spanish to the daughter but did understand the basics when we greeted each other. I haven't really experienced that in Quincy. We had to stop by the concession stand because Keaton and Forrest put the canned cheese in the freezer. I also found that Kohl gave us two boxes of bags instead of popcorn. I will have to get this straightened out in the morning. Laura and went to Kohl's department store next and did some shopping. I found a pair of shoes for working out and a couple of pairs of shorts too. I haven't spent that kind of money on Me for awhile. We picked up Anna at 8:40pm and went to JJ's for supper.

Who Am I?