Caleb Traveled...

Woke up this AM to a clear sky sporting a VERY bright full moon, it was awesome. Today is Makenzie's 22 birthday so I have to make sure I call her. Today's lunch was a haircut and a Mc-Wrap. Laura was so kind to bring me one after grocery shopping and sit and visit for a few minutes. Anna had flute and her and Laura had to pick me up from work because Keaton and Forrest came and got my car to go line fields. The freshman team plays soccer in Springfield tonight so Caleb left from school early for the bus trip. Just kind of chilled after work and we decided on pizza for supper after Anna's piano lesson. Laura and I took Anna and went for a walk and talk while we waited for her to finish. We cover a lot of ground and several subjects when we do this... Picked up Papa John's and Caleb called saying when he would be at QHS, he said they tied 1-1 and he played the second half and saved a break-away attempt with 10 seconds left, VERY COOL. We didn't really expect him to play at all. Went home and ate before having to leave again. Called Mak on my way to pick up Caleb from QHS, she was socializing at Tower with her Mom and a friend, I thought Logan was fixing her supper?? Caleb and I called Thom on our way home and told him about the big soccer weekend, also had to tell him about his big game. Caleb made his rounds with stories before showering and heading to bed. Laura left to sing meditation at Cursillo so I messed on the computer and stayed up too late. I talked to Adam after he got home from work and before he went back out. He went shopping today and found a cool Columbia sweatshirt at TJ Max. He was telling me about his bargain shopping, Laura should be proud :) He gets another paycheck tomorrow. Laura got home REAL late.

Who Am I?