B-Day Party...

Church this AM and Wendy's. Keaton was with us and had a scarf on I guess until his dreads are fully tamed. Came home right after we ate because GPa was taking some kids to the farm to walk and look for arrow heads. Anna couldn't stay long because she had kids choir and it turned out there was still crops in the fields so they didn't spend the time there that they wanted. Laura went to the store and I started cleaning up the back yard for a fire in the pit later today. I had to get the chain saw out to make a quick job of it, found plenty of dry wood and twigs for a couple of fires at least. I was in charge of the cake while Laura and Anna went to choir practice and was even able to get in a quick run/walk while it was baking. After the cake was done baking I went to Home Depot to get some more blocks for around the fire pit to make it more presentable, I came up 2 short this time. I came back in and iced the cake, family started gathering around 5pm-ish and I started the fire for roasting hot dogs and marsh mellows close to 6. It was windy and warm most of the day but settled down nicely by evening. Forrest got back to town and came over in time to eat with us, his timing is perfect when it comes to food :) We all had a good time around the fire even Logan stopped by and ate and visited, It was very nice having him there too. We made it back inside to sing, open presents and take pictures before the end of the night so the party was complete.

Who Am I?