Another Party...

Wandered into church a bit late this AM and sat towards the back a bit. Great piano player today :) Went to Wendy's afterwards for lunch and then wandered home. Anna went with Brianna and the boys were wanting to shop for a couple of things at Wal-Mart. I have to get a picture card made at K&L for coaching so we all rode together. Keaton did some major shopping so Caleb and I hung out in the car at TJ's and then Kohl's, we did run to Farm supply and check for a 4-wheeler battery but they didn't have what we needed. We were out longer than I expected but Keaton did have some success. Laura and I walked after we got home and while the chick and rice was cooking. Good home cooked meal before wandering over to the Davis's for another meet the neighbor session. There were six couples over there and Laura and I were the youngest. Claudia had an office party catered earlier so she had plenty of food set aside for this gathering too. Very nice food display and this was the first time that I had been in their house since they bought it and gutted it. They did a very nice job of course and really lightened things up and opened the kitchen are as well. We had a good time and were very grateful that the Jacobs were there, they are wonderful people, neighbors and glad to have them as friends too. Anna only called me once after I had been there for about 8 minutes asking if she could play with some new clothes or something, I think she was wanting to choreograph and new dance and needed some different costumes.

Who Am I?