Stuck at Work Today...

I had a code of conduct meeting today at work and pizza with dessert was served. It lasted a while and because of that I didn't get to leave the building during lunch like usual. This makes for a real long day when I don't get to leave the building. Laura watched the little girls at 1pm today so I was going to plan to go home for a bit but didn't get too. Anna was able to see the girls for awhile after school and was excited about that, they went home about 10 minutes before I got there. Anna and I picked up pizza and dropped off a Greenie dog toy to Logan at work and talked to him for a bit, Anna had money to spend so she bought a cookie. Brought it home and then took Caleb to piano. We went home after that and got our stuff for the Y and then Caleb and I headed out. Keaton and Anna went to Bye, Bye Birdie at QHS with Jan & Lawson and Brianna, Laura is at prayer. Caleb played some basketball with a friend while I worked out. I had to swing by TCBY afterwards and get a waffle cone on our way to drop off the van for a brake job at Luberts. Caleb and I sat in the QND parking lot waiting for Laura to call after prayer so we could laeve the van over night. We got home 9:30-ish and the kids said the play was real good.

Who Am I?