The Moon...

I didn't get out of the building for lunch today because of a couple computer deploys. Laura brought me a sandwich and part of a cinnamon roll after waiting for a bit at the park hoping to walk outside since it was a perfect day. Got home after work, Keaton and Forrest came home from birthday shopping with Forrest's grandma. Forrest was all pumped about getting some new soccer cleats, shorts and a ball. I think those two are going to play indoor on a team the first session this fall. Laura fixed supper and we all ate together and joked around. Caleb had piano so I took him and then dropped off some keys. I went back and waited then Caleb wanted to swing by Hy-Vee to get a snack. Got home and started some QSL stuff and made a few calls. Anna called for me to go get her at Stephanie's so I rode down and got her. The moon is full and very bright tonight, awesome. Laura was still at her girls prayer group, we messed for a bit before getting ready for bed. I had another call to finish and finally got things squared away with that team. Laura finished up some chores and I had to make a late night run to Hy-Vee for Caleb's supper for tomorrow evenings soccer game in Springfield. I think we spend way too much on just his food for travel.

Who Am I?