Indoor Soccer Night...

Nice warm morning and then lots of rain by lunch. Walked at the mall and then crackers for lunch. Kind of nasty just glad it is not real cold. Katheryn came over to the house again after school to work with Anna on the project, Laura came a little late to the indoor game because of Katheryn's ride. Keaton and Forrest got a ride to the indoor soccer game at 5:30pm from Forrest's grandma. I went to the game straight from work which worked out fine. The boys played a real good game against a Hannibal team. They had a lot of good shots but their keeper was pretty good. Keaton stuck a guy at one point and the kid did a flip over the ball. We were missing one player that would have made a difference in goal for us. I believe they lost by one or two but played very good together. After their game we went and ate at Wendy's, Forrest went with us because he wanted to watch Thom's game next. We all went back and watched the first half and then Laura, Anna and I went home. Laura helped Anna finish her project and then we wound down our eveing.

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