Good Coffee Friday...

Dropped Keaton off at school and went by the YMCA to give them some money for the membership upgrade. Decided to get some good coffee today at CoB and talked to the neighbor lady Riley before leaving the coffee shop, she is a very nice lady and fun to talk with. During the day I got all my ducks in a row for getting Adam's VW Golf insured and registered so he can start driving it. We are planning to sell the truck to Alex L. and need to have this done in a week to save on some insurance paper work. I made a few calls to Adam and he brought me what I needed. Laura and I ended up eating Wendy's and not walking during lunch break today so I could go to the SOS office to get the registration done. Turned out I had to have Laura sign two things so I had her complete the stuff before picking me up from work. It all worked out fine and we got it completed before 5pm, Thank You Dear =) We came home and Adam wasn't far behind, he must of smelled the new plates. He pulled up in Blake's car with Ashleigh hanging with them. Adam got everything put on and in place (while sporting his new earth tone colored sneakers) to go take them for the inaugural cruse, they were pretty funny. Cory G. is in town this weekend so Adam wants to spend some time with those guys working on each others cars. He likes having some money so he can tinker, he has wanted to do that for some time now. We did some sandwiches for supper and I had to run out to the concession stand to get it put together. After that I went to JJ's and found Keaton there being bored and visiting with Logan. Makenzie came in and I sat with her while she ate, Logan got a call from a girls VBall team leaving Macomb so they were working hard to get the order done so they could close up. The bus showed up as I was leaving, hopefully the team didn't make a mess.

Who Am I?