Mid Week...

Walked at the mall and Laura brought me half a sandwich, ate in the van and visited. Caleb called to see if they could play at PDSC so he and Keaton were going to meet some peeps there. After work I got home to a supper of meat balls and pasta, Thank You Dear. The boys were still out playing so Keaton took Caleb to piano again and stuck around to pick him up. They went by JJ's to see Logan and will wander home after that. Laura has group tonight so I took Anna with me to the Y after supper so she can swim again while I workout. Adam doesn't feel good so he is still resting downstairs. Anna didn't swim real long tonight at the Y, I had a good work out and tried a different machine to see how it worked. We met out by the TV and game room so she could find a snack to buy before leaving, she has her swim bag, coin purse and has showered and dried off. She is quite the trip... We wandered home after that and Anna got ready for bed. Caleb was on the couch so I pushed him along soon too because he needed some sleep from the night before.

Who Am I?