Anna Check-up...

Got to sleep in a bit this morning, but had to eat breakfast before 9am. Laura, Anna and I all went down together to eat and also to check out the pool situation. We found a good mixture of edible items and of coarse Anna had to have her own coffee. No one was swimming so Anna and I went back up and got our swim suits on. Anna was the only one that swam and I stayed down and watch as she swam, sang and danced for over an hour. We made our way back upstairs to shower and shave. We left before noon check out and had frickn' pancakes at IHOP for lunch. Actually Anna had pancakes... We made our way to the Dr. office and got checked in. We had two different waits but not bad. It helps when you know the people and can visit to pass the time. Laura and Anna have lots of friends. Dr. Doug did a pacemaker check and found some episodes but nothing he could put a finger on. The battery life is right at three years now which is good news. Doug said he does not hear the atrial murmur like he had 2 check ups ago. We just hope his hearing is not going. It is so nice that we can make friends with all of Anna's care givers. It allows us to be more free with our questions and lack of knowledge and puts us on a different playing field with all the nurses and doctors. We truly have been blessed with great people at OSF on this journey. After the check up we wandered towards Quincy, stopping in Springfiled and eating at Cracker Barrel. We had a good meal and bumped into Mary Dobbins before leaving. We chatted about old and new times, it was very nice to see her. She is a very sweet lady. Got home 8pm-ish and had time for Anna to play and us to get caught up on the Monday we missed at home and unwind before bed time. It was a good trip and nice to not be rushed and great to have a good check-up.

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