The red truck goes to Strothers this AM to get the thermostat replaced and the radiator flushed. This should bring it right up to ready and comfortable. Jim T met me there and gave me a ride to work, such a nice guy. Keaton called me after school and before my lunch to see if the truck was ready. It worked out that he came and got me and we picked it up, I got to pay though :) Went home for lunch, Laura played for a funeral and then ate at Kelly's so she brought me half a sandwich. I had an eye appointment at 5pm and all is good with just a slight change after a year. I will plan to do a change towards the end of the year with lens' and frames because of insurance. I got home after my appointment in time to grab my book and take Caleb to piano. I read while he was at lesson. Ate chili-chips-n-cheese for supper, always good stuff. Watched a bit of TV and Kori called before going to bed and reading a bit more. She has been busy with school saying this quarter is the hardest and has spent a lot of time studying. She is planning to dog sit for Koz again this weekend.

Who Am I?