Today is finally the truck trade day. Michael agreed to take delivery this evening and will drop off the money tomorrow after he goes to the bank. Met Laura around 1:30pm at the SoS to do all the license and registration stuff for the trucks. She wasn't feeling very good so we didn't do lunch together this day. I called the insurance people and made the change there so the red truck can be driven tonight. Keaton was in charge of cleaning the blue one out and when I got home I noticed that it was looking good, WELL as good as it can. Keaton cleaned the red truck out too and Adam was at the house cleaning up his ride, it had something to do with the 50 degree weather I'm sure. We figured out supper plans and Keaton and I delivered the truck to Hummel's. After that I ordered Papa John's cheese sticks, Keaton and I swung by and picked them up and then went home. Anna and I turned right around and went to piano with a small cheese stick box and a book to read while Anna practiced. Keaton and Adam took the red truck out for a test spin to make sure the license plates work :) and to pick up some food. We all got back at about the same time. Got to bed at decent time.

Who Am I?