I played rball for the first time since new years day, and baby'd my foot some. I was surprised that it didn't hurt after that. The boys won their soccer game. Keaton scored low in the corner and Caleb had a fancy goal, juggle up over the goalie and headed in. SWEET!! Laura had supper ready after the game and she invited Adam to join us. Adam came over to work on his car too, he bought some used fuel injectors with fuel rail on ebay from I guy in Hawaii and planned to install them tonight. He was doing real good until he got some gas in his eye and had to take a break for minor medical attention. We all ate supper to a gasoline fragrance this evening but the company was wonderful. Adam went back to his car after we ate and I went out to see what I could do to help. He was just about done when I got there and after connecting the battery he fired it up for a test start and drive. He said it is doing much better and will plan to return GPa's truck tomorrow if it stays running. I parked all the cars back where they belonged for the night and relaxed in the warmth of the house. Thank You honey for another fine meal.
From WCK BB :)

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