Church this AM and the 3 youngest made it up and we got there in time. Did the Wendy's lunch and slipped by Big Lots for a heating pad and I got a couple of floor mats for the red truck. Started to relax and read when Caleb called to let me know that Blake C hit him with a rock while they were at the creek and he may need stitches. Tony brought Caleb home and we took a look to see what might need to be done. I called for Tim J but no one answered so we decided he should go to the ER. We saw Dr Arndt and he suggested a xray to make sure there is no head trauma since it was such a big rock. The cat scan came back fine and the Dr proceeded with numbing the area and putting five staples in. Caleb opted for this since it would be the easiest and quickest. We were only there for about an hour and Caleb was VERY brave. Laura washed Caleb's hair when we got home and he took some ibprophen as needed. He was feeling good enough to have a female friend over for awhile so I guess he will survive. Was able to spend some of the evening reading again.

From WCK BB :)

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