Saturday and Kori is flying back to Colorado this evening. We didn't have anything to do in the morning so it was nice to not have an alarm set. Laura made pancakes and we had a nice leisurely morning.

Lunch plans were at The Pier with J&L, Alex and everyone else except Logan, he had to work. We had a very nice lunch and get half price meals when we have Adam with us. I like taking the kids there and being able hangout, eat good food and overlook the river, bridges and eagles this time of the year. We shared desserts and I think everyone got plenty of food.

We came home after that and told Kori goodbye and saw her and Alex off. It started to get foggy so I prayed they would have safe travel. I sent her a message later in the evening and she had arrived just fine with a sprinkle of snow coming down.
From WCK BB :)

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