Trip to Peoria today for a pacemaker check. We left before nine AM and stopped by Walmart to get HSM 3 and a couple other items, with gas being the last on the list before heading out. I think Anna watched the movie at least twice. We made it to Lincoln and found gas at $1.83 so we filled up and went to the restrooms before driving thru Wendy's for an early lunch. We stopped at another Walmart in E Peoria for some natural soap and then went to a Deal store and found some cheaters for me because my glasses weren't in the case, they were still in my car. We made it to the Dr. office in plenty of time. Anna had a good pacemaker check and we were able to visit some of our peeps. We went up to the fourth floor to see a family that Laura has been following for awhile on Caring Bridge, they live near Jen. Laura left a note and she did get a hug before we left. We saw a few more of our special people up there too. We drove back to Springfield and went to Olive Garden before heading to the mall. We wanted to look for North Face stuff in Dick's and maybe find a piece for Logan's birthday. We did get him a very nice jacket that we hope he will like. Anna and I saw Blake and Broady in Dick's as well and talked to them for a minute. They had eaten supper and were out killing time for the evening. They will be done with class on Friday and ready to start a new job I guess. We made it home about 8:30pm and had time to relax. From WCK BB :)

Who Am I?