Church this AM, Anna and I took the car and Keaton and Caleb took the truck because they have a noon soccer game. The boys left church after communion and we went by Wendy's for a quick lunch before heading out to the game. Jan stayed home today because of an upset stomach and didn't want to take the energy to get going, she is saving it for Super Bowl parties later in the day I'm sure :) I took Thom with me to the indoor game and the girls went grocery shopping, Lawson will go to the game after finishing his lunch. Laura and Anna have kids choir today and need to bring a snack so they won't be going to the game. The boys played very good and each scored goals, lots of fun to watch especially with Uncle Thom cheering. They even won. The boys headed off to Taco Bell after the game for 43 cent tacos and I took Thom home and then went to the Y for rball with Pat H. I got there early and ended up getting to play some co-ed wall-e ball before starting racquetball, that was a good time. Didn't play great against Pat, gave too many shots away but will do better next tme. Talked to a couple of people that I haven't seen for awhile before locking my key in my locker and had to call Keaton to bring my extra one. At least they didn't have to cut the lock :) Showered there and swung by Harrison Hy-Vee to get a bottle of sweet white wine to take to Kendall just in case she doesn't want to watch the Super Bowl game. Adam and Keaton joined us at the Bowen's for some food and fun. Keaton was actually still full from the 30 tacos that he and Caleb bought. (they ate all but 6 of them and Adam helped eat a few more) Caleb went to Dede's to watch the game with Blake and Logan C. There was one Steeler fan at Bowen's so we tried to ignore him the best we could. Ate plenty had a good time and went home soon after the game so we could get Anna to bed at a reasonable time. Got to watch The Office after that so that was all good.

Who Am I?