Busy Monday at work, it didn't help that I had to leave at 9:30 to go to the Doctor. Appointment went well and will change one med because of cost. The kids don't have school today and Caleb is watching Justin H for the day. We did lunch with Logan, Mack, Ad, Keat and Anna at Bitters Well, heard that they had some good food and prices. The burgers were good but they charge for every extra. Service slow and no heat in the building. Great company, always fun. I Love our kids... Adam's car won't start and he suspects a battery. He and Keaton went and bought one, installed it and the car still won't start. May be the starter?? Last indoor game at K&L so I will swing by after work to watch as much as possible. Supper at home so Caleb rode home with me. Watched TV and chilled the rest of the night.
From WCK BB :)

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