Sunday, and all four at home went to church. Got there and Carrie D asked us about two kids that didn't show up at home last night. Spent the whole mass praying and wondering where they could be and if they had been hurt. Kendall got a text at the end of church saying the parents had been contacted and the boys were alive. That was a big relief, now the parents get to deal with the why... We ate at Wendy's after church and Laura arrived late because of First Christians service time. Swung by Aldi's after lunch and Anna and I went to the Y for swim and Rball. After the Y Anna and I went to Starbucks and got a cold treat and then I dropped her off at Faler's. I went out to the garage since it was still nice out and put the muffler back on the Honda so it would be ready for Adam and Keaton to haul to Outdoor power so the guy there can take a look at it. The engine won't turn over and he will take a look at it and see if he can free it up. Anna called and went to Briana's to play and Laura made spaghetti for supper and we watched Home Makeover. I picked up Anna around 8:30pm, took out the trash and relaxed for the night.

Who Am I?