Back to work and school today. Went by V&R this AM before work to drop off Kori's W2 forms so Sue can get Kori's return done soon. Haven't been very busy at work and not complaining. Cold today but the sun is shinning so that should make a difference. Talked to Mom&Dad just before lunch and Dad will have the oil removed from his eye on Thurs and hopefully all will be better soon. They are going to get some company next week, old friends from Dallas that they haven't seen forever. They are excited about that. No walk at lunch today just time for Panera with my best friend :) Homemade chicken noodle soup for supper with muffin bread, doesn't get any better than that. --> Thank you Honey!! Adam was doing laundry and ate before he left for his Pier Party. Keaton was at a movie and came home to eat after that, Caleb ate at Gabe's. Turned on the fireplace after we ate and Laura had to go practice with a trumpeter for competition, should be warmer by the time she returns. Laura got home and told me that Laurie D's Mom died this afternoon, she was older and has been struggling with some health issues for awhile. (Laurie works with Laura and have a good time together) We had some soup left over so Laura set some aside and made some more muffins and took them over to Laurie and Bill. Laura is not only a great wife and mother she is a GREAT friend to others as well. Read some and worked on a hard drive issue for Kori. Went to bed at 10ish so I could finish my book before going to sleep.

Who Am I?