Laura & Anna had to be up early this AM to go to contest in Warsaw. I got up shortly after them and made some coffee and read for a little while. Next on my list was to get some painting done in Caleb's new room. I charged up my bluetooth headphones and found all the painting tools and painted me a green wall. I got the next wall ready and then waited for Anna to get home. Amy S called and needed me to pick up Anna at north campus so I ran out there and picked her up. We talked about her contest and she said she got a two instead of a one, we think she may have got ripped but it didn't seem to be too upseting. I dropped her off at home and then went to the Y for rball. The girls have youth choir today so Anna will wait for Laura to get back in town. We all gathered back at home and got ready for supper at Bowen's. Laura took the left over potato soup and some cream horns with us, not sure why we have to share the dessert. We had a good time eating and laughing real hard.
From WCK BB :)

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