It is hard to belive that Logan 25 today. It is amazing thinking back at all the years and all the ages watching him grow up. Thank You lord for the opportunity and gift. Kori called me this AM to let me know that she had been to the ER to get 3 stitches. She cut herself with a knife while fixing her sack lunch before school. She was cutting an avacado and the knife went all the way thru and cut between her first and second fingers. I have Adam and Keaton lined up to take the Honda to Outdoor Power today. They will barrow GPa's truck to do this. It is a little rainy at the time they finally get loaded but they manage to get the bike tied down and delivered without any issues. We decided to do pizza tonight for supper and Caleb drove to an empty lot on Broadway and we switched drivers so he didn't have to mess with the Tower crowd. We followed T&K into the parking lot, they were eating inside. I drove back home and we ate and chilled the rest of the night.
From WCK BB :)

Who Am I?