Church with all four going this AM and then lunch at Wendy's. Next Caleb drove Anna and I to Sherwin Williams and then to Home Depot. We bought paint and rollers at HD and then went to Walmart for a few other items, Anna was looking for swim googles but we didn't find any there. Anna and I went to the Y in the afternoon, I worked out a bit and then went and swam with her. We stopped by Starbuck's to work on the second gift card, it was cold enough outside that we got coffee this time with lots of creamer. We came home and I opened my VDay present from Laura, it was some smell good stuff that she likes a lot. It is pretty good stuff --> now I have another oder to Me. Laura promised some cream horns to Logan so I dropped them off while on my way to Papa John's. We ate and then I painted some more, the Oscars were on so no Makeover TV. Laura went to bed early, still fighting a cold and I stayed up and read til about eleven.
From WCK BB :)
Laura & Anna had to be up early this AM to go to contest in Warsaw. I got up shortly after them and made some coffee and read for a little while. Next on my list was to get some painting done in Caleb's new room. I charged up my bluetooth headphones and found all the painting tools and painted me a green wall. I got the next wall ready and then waited for Anna to get home. Amy S called and needed me to pick up Anna at north campus so I ran out there and picked her up. We talked about her contest and she said she got a two instead of a one, we think she may have got ripped but it didn't seem to be too upseting. I dropped her off at home and then went to the Y for rball. The girls have youth choir today so Anna will wait for Laura to get back in town. We all gathered back at home and got ready for supper at Bowen's. Laura took the left over potato soup and some cream horns with us, not sure why we have to share the dessert. We had a good time eating and laughing real hard.
From WCK BB :)
Friday finally and stayed busy at work with Blackberry stuff. Got to walk with Laura today at lunch time and then grabbed a wrap at McD's. No kids at home when I got there after work. Anna at GMa's, Caleb with friends at QHS basketball and Keaton out with his buds. Laura made some potato soup from a recipe that she found in a mag in Peoria. Boy is that stuff REAL good, I had two bowls. I went and picked up Anna so she could eat at home. Laura has a touch of a cold and will plan to get to bed early tonight. She has to play for contest in Warsaw, IL tomorrow and Anna & her need to be on the road by 7am. Stayed up for a bit and read while waiting for the boys to check in. They are both staying at a friends house, hope they will be good :)
From WCK BB :)
Walked at the mall for lunch and even got some fresh baked cookies, Thank You Dear. Ate at Wendy's and went back to work. Supper at home after work and even more cookies :) Anna had piano and I read, wasn't sure I was going to get Anna out of the car because there was a raccoon in the yard. We did get it scared off and Anna ran to the front door. After piano we called Mackenzie to make sure she was home so we could drop off a gift and card, she made the dean's list and Laura put some chocolates together for her. Laura practiced at home with a few kids for contest and then we watched The Office. Kori called and talked to Laura for a bit and then I talked to her about the laptop issue.
From WCK BB :)
CPR training at work this afternoon so I will have to slip out and grab something to eat before going. Laura ate at Kelley's today with her M&D and I ran to the Shell station for some hot coffee and some crackers. I saw Steve Koetters there and talked to him for a bit before getting to class right on time. Caleb went to a JWCC basketball game with Cameran's instead of piano, he called Larry to let him know. Anna has PSR and Dede's are driving. Keaton was at home so Laura and I slipped out to take Logan his birthday present at JJ's since he is working. We got him a nice North Face jacket, and he really liked it. We ended up getting a couple of sandwiches and chips to go. Since Keaton was home we were able to leave the fireplace on so it was nice and warm in the big room. Kori called about her laptop and we talked a bit.
From WCK BB :)
Trip to Peoria today for a pacemaker check. We left before nine AM and stopped by Walmart to get HSM 3 and a couple other items, with gas being the last on the list before heading out. I think Anna watched the movie at least twice. We made it to Lincoln and found gas at $1.83 so we filled up and went to the restrooms before driving thru Wendy's for an early lunch. We stopped at another Walmart in E Peoria for some natural soap and then went to a Deal store and found some cheaters for me because my glasses weren't in the case, they were still in my car. We made it to the Dr. office in plenty of time. Anna had a good pacemaker check and we were able to visit some of our peeps. We went up to the fourth floor to see a family that Laura has been following for awhile on Caring Bridge, they live near Jen. Laura left a note and she did get a hug before we left. We saw a few more of our special people up there too. We drove back to Springfield and went to Olive Garden before heading to the mall. We wanted to look for North Face stuff in Dick's and maybe find a piece for Logan's birthday. We did get him a very nice jacket that we hope he will like. Anna and I saw Blake and Broady in Dick's as well and talked to them for a minute. They had eaten supper and were out killing time for the evening. They will be done with class on Friday and ready to start a new job I guess. We made it home about 8:30pm and had time to relax. From WCK BB :)
Busy Monday at work, it didn't help that I had to leave at 9:30 to go to the Doctor. Appointment went well and will change one med because of cost. The kids don't have school today and Caleb is watching Justin H for the day. We did lunch with Logan, Mack, Ad, Keat and Anna at Bitters Well, heard that they had some good food and prices. The burgers were good but they charge for every extra. Service slow and no heat in the building. Great company, always fun. I Love our kids... Adam's car won't start and he suspects a battery. He and Keaton went and bought one, installed it and the car still won't start. May be the starter?? Last indoor game at K&L so I will swing by after work to watch as much as possible. Supper at home so Caleb rode home with me. Watched TV and chilled the rest of the night.
From WCK BB :)
Church today, Keaton didn't make it up this AM. Ate at Wendy's and Laura had to leave early to get ready to work the concert at Jr High. It is the young artist concert and I am looking forward to hearing them play. I took Anna and Steph V with me, of course they went straight to the balcony. The young artist were both girls, one oboe and the other on the piano. They were both amazing, and did a wonderful job. I even got to see Laura on stage after half time. It was supper time when we got home and ate while watching Home Make Over, I don't think it was a new one.
From WCK BB :)
Happy Valentines Day !
I Love You Laura !!
From WCK BB :)
I have a fasting blood test scheduled for 8:30am. Showed up at SIU and was third in line and didn't take too long. I went by CoB to get my coffee on my way back to work. Planning to meet Laura at the mall but she had a meeting first so we went to JJ's for lunch. The boys had a soccer game at 5:30pm so I went straight to K&L after work to meet up with all the fans. We all went to Maya's after the game and ate together --> us, Bowens and Faler's. We got plenty of food to eat, actually I ate too much. Left Maya's and it was snowing. Found out that Keaton got the job at Casano's, good deal. He picks up his uniform next week and then could start by the end of the week or next. After eating Caleb and I went to Walmart to get Laura her VD book and the to Hy-Vee to get her and Anna some flowers. I will get a card tomorrow. Maid it back home to relax for the evening. Stayed up and waited for Keaton to get home.
From WCK BB :)
Walked at the mall during lunch today then ate at Wendy's. Busy at work today which kept things moving along. Checked to see if I could barrow Lawson's truck after work today but it was full of leaves, the dump closed early. He wasn't very happy about that. Turned out that Caleb and I used the Sonoma to pick up Honda. We had to take the cover off the back end before we could do that. Caleb crawled in and did all the wrench work and it went real easy. Laura took Anna to piano and then ran to the store. Caleb and I took off across town, got some gas and loaded up the bike and then tied it down real good. We used the wooden ramp that was there to load the bike, we didn't have to lift anything. On our way back we stopped and looked at cars on the Kia lot and R&R. I checked out the 2010 Soul and Caleb checked out the BMW's. We made it home, unloaded and put eveything back in place on the truck.
From WCK BB :)
Walked at the mall during lunch today. Laura had a Dr appointment at 2pm today so we went our seperate ways after walking. I went by Shell to get some crackers and G2 for my lunch and then went out to OP to hear the Honda bike run and visit with Steve, the mechanic who did the fine work. Alex T is flying to CO this evening to visit Kori, he will be there thru the weekend. Supper at home tonight and Laura drove to and from PSR and Caleb drove me to piano, I waited and read my book and then he drove me to JJ's to visit with Logan for a bit. We hung out for a bit and talked iPod Touch and laptops before wandering home.
From WCK BB :)
Took Caleb to school this AM because Keaton had a headache. Went and got gas across the river at BP and then stopped by CoB for a coffee refill. Laura went into work today because of a raffle coming up and we met at the mall to walk during lunch. Ate at McD's for a quick bite. Heard from Steve at Outdoor Power in the afternoon and he got the Honda engine broke lose already. Playing rball at the Y tonight at 6pm and Anna is planning to go with. Played Mark J and then worked out some while Anna was swimming. We went home for supper and had pot pie and PBJ's. I got Kori's laptop replacement ready and Caleb drove us to band practice at Vegas Music so we could drop off the laptop for Alex to deliver. We stuck around and listened to the boys practice one song several times. It was very cool to listen and see the commitment that Logan has to his music, that was the first time I had ever been to a practice. Very Cool...
From WCK BB :)
It is hard to belive that Logan 25 today. It is amazing thinking back at all the years and all the ages watching him grow up. Thank You lord for the opportunity and gift. Kori called me this AM to let me know that she had been to the ER to get 3 stitches. She cut herself with a knife while fixing her sack lunch before school. She was cutting an avacado and the knife went all the way thru and cut between her first and second fingers. I have Adam and Keaton lined up to take the Honda to Outdoor Power today. They will barrow GPa's truck to do this. It is a little rainy at the time they finally get loaded but they manage to get the bike tied down and delivered without any issues. We decided to do pizza tonight for supper and Caleb drove to an empty lot on Broadway and we switched drivers so he didn't have to mess with the Tower crowd. We followed T&K into the parking lot, they were eating inside. I drove back home and we ate and chilled the rest of the night.
From WCK BB :)
Sunday, and all four at home went to church. Got there and Carrie D asked us about two kids that didn't show up at home last night. Spent the whole mass praying and wondering where they could be and if they had been hurt. Kendall got a text at the end of church saying the parents had been contacted and the boys were alive. That was a big relief, now the parents get to deal with the why... We ate at Wendy's after church and Laura arrived late because of First Christians service time. Swung by Aldi's after lunch and Anna and I went to the Y for swim and Rball. After the Y Anna and I went to Starbucks and got a cold treat and then I dropped her off at Faler's. I went out to the garage since it was still nice out and put the muffler back on the Honda so it would be ready for Adam and Keaton to haul to Outdoor power so the guy there can take a look at it. The engine won't turn over and he will take a look at it and see if he can free it up. Anna called and went to Briana's to play and Laura made spaghetti for supper and we watched Home Makeover. I picked up Anna around 8:30pm, took out the trash and relaxed for the night.
Trip to Sam's in the AM to get paper and plastic for the surprise party tonight for Logan's 25th birthday. Mackenzie has been planning this for some time now and her & her Mom and Dad are putting it all together. Anna was with us for the errand run and we ate lunch at Applebees before going back home. The girls have kids choir today and I am playing rball with Pat at 3pm. We will plan to get to the surprise party tonight around 6pm. Laura went on a run after choir to get her workout in, I am so proud that she started her routine again. The party went real well and Logan was truly surprised. They had sandwiches, slaw, veggies, drinks and cake. --> Did I mention drinks?? They had way to much drink, that was the only down side to the fun. Laura got in some talk time with Logan, looked like they were having fun. We got to see Amber again, it has been a while, her son is 5 months old already. We had a good time and wandered home about 10:30pm.
From WCK BB :)
Friday and Anna has a CT-scan today because of some pains in her side that she has been having off and on. We decided to do this so we can make sure where all her parts are since we were told different things from the beginning. Laura will pick Anna up from Katie's and take her to the clinic. Anna has to drink some fluid for the contrast part of the scan and is not sure what to expect there. After the scan we met at Baldwin for a conference about Jr. High and then go right to music pre-contest down the hallway. Anna will play and then Laura will be accompanying twelve students. Keaton has a job interview at Casano's today and Caleb is skiing all day in Iowa and will return on Sat afternoon. I took Anna with me after pre-contest and we went to wash my car at the Shell station, we got a snack and waited in line, it is very nice out today and there are several people doing the same thing. I took Anna back to work with me for a bit while Laura stayed at Baldwin and completed her accompaniments. She called after she was done and came by work to get Anna. I came home after work, we ate supper and hung out for the night. Laura went to bed early, she was beat from running back and forth to all of her kids and her time slots. Don't know how she did it. From WCK BB :)
I took Anna to school this AM for early band, the line of cars is crazy at that time of the morning. I wonder if it is always like that or just on band day. Laura is going to STL with J&L today to meet with the surgeon that will put in the defibrillator. Jacklyn called Laura this AM for a ride to the dentist and then she called me. The time worked out fine for me to take her so I did that during my lunch. She needed to get to the old St. Mary's hospital building and then she would get a ride home or take the bus, she didn't know how long it would take. After dropping her off I met Keaton and Adam at JJ's for lunch. We ate and talked for a bit and had a nice visit. I gor home from work and it was pretty quiet. Anna is staying the night at Katie's for her birthday and Caleb will be going to Logan C's to stay before going skiing on Friday at Snowstar in Iowa, Keaton will be the only one home tonight. Laura and I dropped off some money to Caleb before going out to eat at TGIF, kind off late but not crowded. From WCK BB :)
Another cold day Wed, I think it is suposed to warm up Thurs afternoon. Laura worked today and will be off on Fri. We met at the mall at lunch to walk and then ate at Wendy's. Supper was pancakes and sausage, always good stuff. Adam came and ate as we were leaving for PSR, piano, trumpet and contest practice. I read while Caleb was at practice and then he drove us to TCBY and then home, he is doing A LOT better with driving since starting BTW at school. Just chilled the rest of the night.
From WCK BB :)
Buurr.... What the heck, 4 degrees. Anna has a fever and a headache so she went back to bed. Laura read where a couple of Keaton's friends were arrested over the weekend so I guess we will be quizing him about that. I stopped by the post office this AM to send Kori a package, she should get it in 2-3 days for $5, heck of a deal. Laura went to McD's drive thru for lunch so I went home to eat a wrap. I ordered Tower for supper and picked it up on the way home, that worked out pretty good. Keaton said he has an interview at Casano's on Friday, hopefully that will pan out. He has a couple of female friends that work there. Turned the fireplace on again and started a new book before watching home land security with Caleb and Anna. Laura had choir and practice with another junior performer tonight but made it home in time to watch The Office.
From WCK BB :)
Back to work and school today. Went by V&R this AM before work to drop off Kori's W2 forms so Sue can get Kori's return done soon. Haven't been very busy at work and not complaining. Cold today but the sun is shinning so that should make a difference. Talked to Mom&Dad just before lunch and Dad will have the oil removed from his eye on Thurs and hopefully all will be better soon. They are going to get some company next week, old friends from Dallas that they haven't seen forever. They are excited about that. No walk at lunch today just time for Panera with my best friend :) Homemade chicken noodle soup for supper with muffin bread, doesn't get any better than that. --> Thank you Honey!! Adam was doing laundry and ate before he left for his Pier Party. Keaton was at a movie and came home to eat after that, Caleb ate at Gabe's. Turned on the fireplace after we ate and Laura had to go practice with a trumpeter for competition, should be warmer by the time she returns. Laura got home and told me that Laurie D's Mom died this afternoon, she was older and has been struggling with some health issues for awhile. (Laurie works with Laura and have a good time together) We had some soup left over so Laura set some aside and made some more muffins and took them over to Laurie and Bill. Laura is not only a great wife and mother she is a GREAT friend to others as well. Read some and worked on a hard drive issue for Kori. Went to bed at 10ish so I could finish my book before going to sleep.
Church this AM, Anna and I took the car and Keaton and Caleb took the truck because they have a noon soccer game. The boys left church after communion and we went by Wendy's for a quick lunch before heading out to the game. Jan stayed home today because of an upset stomach and didn't want to take the energy to get going, she is saving it for Super Bowl parties later in the day I'm sure :) I took Thom with me to the indoor game and the girls went grocery shopping, Lawson will go to the game after finishing his lunch. Laura and Anna have kids choir today and need to bring a snack so they won't be going to the game. The boys played very good and each scored goals, lots of fun to watch especially with Uncle Thom cheering. They even won. The boys headed off to Taco Bell after the game for 43 cent tacos and I took Thom home and then went to the Y for rball with Pat H. I got there early and ended up getting to play some co-ed wall-e ball before starting racquetball, that was a good time. Didn't play great against Pat, gave too many shots away but will do better next tme. Talked to a couple of people that I haven't seen for awhile before locking my key in my locker and had to call Keaton to bring my extra one. At least they didn't have to cut the lock :) Showered there and swung by Harrison Hy-Vee to get a bottle of sweet white wine to take to Kendall just in case she doesn't want to watch the Super Bowl game. Adam and Keaton joined us at the Bowen's for some food and fun. Keaton was actually still full from the 30 tacos that he and Caleb bought. (they ate all but 6 of them and Adam helped eat a few more) Caleb went to Dede's to watch the game with Blake and Logan C. There was one Steeler fan at Bowen's so we tried to ignore him the best we could. Ate plenty had a good time and went home soon after the game so we could get Anna to bed at a reasonable time. Got to watch The Office after that so that was all good.
Saturday is fireplace burn in day. It needs to burn for at least 4 hours straght to burn off all the new-ness. I turned on the fireplace at 8:30am and ran it until 2:30pm. Laura went with Jane J to The Crossing for a women's day function so this worked out to be the perfect morning to fire it up, she didn't have to put up with the smell from the fireplace. I ran it with full fan for a while and then turned it back a little so the fan didn't seem too loud. I didn't think the smell was bad as long as the fan was moving air. It certainly warmed up that end of the house by mid day. I turned the thermostat back to 65 so the furnace wouldn't turn on. The temp in the hallway acutally went up 2-3 degrees while the fireplace was on. It was also a warmer day so it may not have been a true test. I will have to have Luara turn it on some time and see if it works OK now. I turned everything off and Anna and I went to the Y about 2:30pm. I played rball with three others and Anna swam and played in the gym. I had a real good time and a good workout too. After the Y Anna and I went to Starbucks to use our gift card. We got a couple of cold coffee drinks for the road. Good stuff but very cold, I always get a brain freeze when I drink those things. We hurried home so Laura could clean all the whip cream and carmel off the top of one of them. I showered at home and relaxed for a bit before thinking about supper. Anna went to Stephanie's for a bit and called just before 7pm so I could take her to GMa's to watch John and Kate + 8. We stayed there for an hour and then came home to eat. I talked to Caleb for a bit trying to help him and Gabe get their xbox live on line. Next Kori called with computer trouble of her own. Her's is in bad shape and won't even boot now. I will have to build and send her another hard drive. Dozed off on the couch a bit after Laura went to bed and then Caleb and I watched the Black Hawks play while waiting for Keaton to get home. It was a good game with Chicago winning.
Hot Dang it's Friday :) United Way and walking tacos at work today. (Wear your favorite team shirt too) I was asked to help with clean up so will go to the cafe at noon to give them a hand. Talked to Kori last night and transferred some grocery money over this morning. Adam went to Macomb last night with friends and will return today in time for work I'm sure. The taco lunch was kind of slow so I didn't have to work to hard. I was able to slip out after that and walk with Laura at the mall, that was a nice break. After work Laura had supper ready, sloppy joes, taters and beans, all kinds of food. Anna went to the QHS basketball game with Grandpa and we stayed at home for the evening, not a bad deal.
From WCK BB :)

Who Am I?