Lady's Prayer at Kam Fam...

Walked at the mall today and ate my chicken from Kelly's in the van with Laura. When I got home from work Laura was cleaning and baking, she has lady's group tonight at our house --Busy, Busy... The plan is to order pizza for tonight, I went and got it and then took Caleb to piano. I went to Hy-Vee and picked up a few things and ended up talking to Todd E. for about 20 minutes. We covered a lot of stuff mostly talked about our kids and relationships. He is a very nice guy and has been thru a lot and is now supporting his younger brother thru difficult times. I made it back to get Caleb in time and then wandered home. Caleb is planning to watch Carter tonight while they are at a soccer game. Anna and I went to the Y and then went by JJ's afterwards to get a cookie again. We hung out there and talked to Logan for awhile, actually we stayed pretty late. Adam and Charlie caught up to us and we sat and talked with them as well. The lady's would be finished around 9pm so we needed to stay out at least until then, and we did :) The boys were at home playing games in the basement when I left, hopefully they didn't make too much noise...

Y With Caleb...

Keaton was up early and I got him to school in plenty of time today. I went on to QSL to get all the extra food together and set out all the extra soda and Gatorade for Pepsi to pick up. I took the food back to Kohl Wholesale and they will take care of crediting our account. I got to work just a little bit late. Laura had a funeral to play for and then brought me some Kelly's chicken kabobs, I ate first and then we walked in the mall. I got my seasonal flu shot at work this afternoon, this is the third time I received one and only do it because they are free and ADM encourages us to do it so we don't miss days or get others sick in the office. I didn't have to do any driving for PSR tonight so Caleb and I planned to go to the Y tonight and workout. We played some racquetball again and I spotted him some points. He took me to OT once, we had a good time and Caleb had a few awesome shots. Keaton was at home for Anna when she was done with PSR so Caleb and didn't have to hurry home.

Indoor Soccer Night...

Nice warm morning and then lots of rain by lunch. Walked at the mall and then crackers for lunch. Kind of nasty just glad it is not real cold. Katheryn came over to the house again after school to work with Anna on the project, Laura came a little late to the indoor game because of Katheryn's ride. Keaton and Forrest got a ride to the indoor soccer game at 5:30pm from Forrest's grandma. I went to the game straight from work which worked out fine. The boys played a real good game against a Hannibal team. They had a lot of good shots but their keeper was pretty good. Keaton stuck a guy at one point and the kid did a flip over the ball. We were missing one player that would have made a difference in goal for us. I believe they lost by one or two but played very good together. After their game we went and ate at Wendy's, Forrest went with us because he wanted to watch Thom's game next. We all went back and watched the first half and then Laura, Anna and I went home. Laura helped Anna finish her project and then we wound down our eveing.

Sunday Lunch Twist...

Got to church as they were getting started, Laura has Salem and First Christian today, she will meet up with us afterwards. Caleb's indoor team is planning to get together at Casano's for a meet and greet kind of thing for lunch. We went there with Faler's and Bowen's right after church and were able to eat as a family and then visit with the other parents after that. It was very nice and the boys ate plenty of pizza. Keaton and Caleb left with the Bruner boys and went to change clothes and play soccer at the fields, they were gone the rest of the afternoon. Adam had to work at 5 and Laura made tacos for supper. Katheryn, Anna's classmate came over to the house to work with Anna on a school project. Katheryn is a big mature girl for only ten years old, they ended up playing some too. The evening was top off with chocolate chip cookies, it doesn't get any better than that.

Caleb Indoor...

Woke up at a decent time and messed around before the runnin needed to happen. Anna and I went and picked up a new four wheeler battery before noon and while we were there waiting for it to charge we watched the workers tearing down the building across the street, a portion of bricks had just fallen off near the corner and hit a truck that was working on sight. Anna and I swung by and picked up Caleb at Matt's house and then came home so Caleb would have enough time to get ready for his first indoor game at 1pm. Laura has a funeral at 1:30pm and then a wedding after that so she will be busy all of the afternoon. Anna and Cora are planning to go to the Y after the soccer game so we all have our bags packed. Keaton and Caleb dropped us off at the Y and then went home while we played, Keaton came back to get us. Anna and Cora played for a while outside before Cora was picked up around 5pm. I worked on the four wheeler and finally had luck after locating a disconnected wire. It started right up and we ran a few test drives before needing more gas. It is still leaking some gas so I will buy some carb cleaner and premium Shell gas to run in it and see if this makes a difference.

Lowes and a Movie...

Didn't get to wear jeans today because we had some big whigs at the office today. Walked at the mall and then ate lunch at Mc D's. Laura fixed a wonderful supper tonight, chicken noodle soup and hot out of the oven biscuits :)) Adam had to work and Keaton took Caleb to Matt's house for the night and then disappeared for a while with Forrest. Laura, Anna and I went out to Shoe Carnival to get a logo for Keaton's indoor shirts and then over to Lowes to check on a price for a back door, we picked up some light bulbs and looked around a bit too. After that we wandered back home and ended up watching 101 Dalmations until after 11pm.

Van and Hy-Vee...

Had to slip over and get the big ole Lawson truck this AM and take it to work while the van is in the shop. Laura and I met at the mall to walk and then ate at Wendy's. Always fun to drive the beastly truck but returned it as soon as I got home. Anna has piano so Laura and I took her and then went to pick up the van. Laura went back to get Anna and I went to Hy-Vee for sweets before returning home. Keaton and Caleb went to Uncle Thom's indoor game at 8:30pm and we hung out at home for the evening getting our fill of ice cream and watching The Office.

Stuck at Work Today...

I had a code of conduct meeting today at work and pizza with dessert was served. It lasted a while and because of that I didn't get to leave the building during lunch like usual. This makes for a real long day when I don't get to leave the building. Laura watched the little girls at 1pm today so I was going to plan to go home for a bit but didn't get too. Anna was able to see the girls for awhile after school and was excited about that, they went home about 10 minutes before I got there. Anna and I picked up pizza and dropped off a Greenie dog toy to Logan at work and talked to him for a bit, Anna had money to spend so she bought a cookie. Brought it home and then took Caleb to piano. We went home after that and got our stuff for the Y and then Caleb and I headed out. Keaton and Anna went to Bye, Bye Birdie at QHS with Jan & Lawson and Brianna, Laura is at prayer. Caleb played some basketball with a friend while I worked out. I had to swing by TCBY afterwards and get a waffle cone on our way to drop off the van for a brake job at Luberts. Caleb and I sat in the QND parking lot waiting for Laura to call after prayer so we could laeve the van over night. We got home 9:30-ish and the kids said the play was real good.

Thom's Day...

I got a call from Thom this AM while I was at work, I guess he was calling people to see if they remembered that it was his birthday. He said that he just saw Kori's car but there was a guy driving it, he wanted to make sure that everything was OK. We got some interesting news at work, Tony announced that he has a new Boss and it is Diane A. This will make for some interesting work days in the future to see if things change going forward at all. I can't image that there would be any changes soon. Laura has choir tonight and I will be driving for PSR and then going to a QHS booster club meeting, they are gearing up for a soup supper during basketball and need some workers. Keaton has his first indoor game tonight so I had to leave the meeting early. He and Forrest are so excited about playing they can hardly stand it. I went home and picked them up and headed out to K&L. It ended up that two of the boys couldn't play because they didn't have their picture ID's made yet. Forrest scored the first goal of the season, I would not of guessed that. Keaton played well and had an assist as goalie but didn't score, he was frustrated about that but I'm sure he will make up for it. We got home late and hurried Anna and Caleb to bed.

Back to School...

After a three and a half day weekend it was the school thing again and we made it but I'm not sure anyone was really wanting to except maybe Anna. I had an eye appointment scheduled for today, the last time I had one was about a year and a half ago. I am to the point where I need cheaters with me all the time in case I need to see up close so I have decided that if I had glasses that I can wear all the time this would work better, I ended up ordering glasses for the first time. I made sure that Laura came with me so she could tell me what looks best from the other side of the mirror, she met me there after her work. Thank You Dear for helping me with this, I may have ended up with some real silly looking stuff. We grabbed a quick bite at McD's and then wandered back to work. The boys were playing soccer at fields when I got home from work and Laura was making hamburger helper for supper. Laura and I were talking about going to the Y with Anna tonight but that didn't work out so I ended up going by myself. I was gone for about an hour and a half, good thing dancing with the stars was on for the girls to watch because they didn't even miss me :) There wasn't much food left when I returned, actually just enough.

Another Party...

Wandered into church a bit late this AM and sat towards the back a bit. Great piano player today :) Went to Wendy's afterwards for lunch and then wandered home. Anna went with Brianna and the boys were wanting to shop for a couple of things at Wal-Mart. I have to get a picture card made at K&L for coaching so we all rode together. Keaton did some major shopping so Caleb and I hung out in the car at TJ's and then Kohl's, we did run to Farm supply and check for a 4-wheeler battery but they didn't have what we needed. We were out longer than I expected but Keaton did have some success. Laura and I walked after we got home and while the chick and rice was cooking. Good home cooked meal before wandering over to the Davis's for another meet the neighbor session. There were six couples over there and Laura and I were the youngest. Claudia had an office party catered earlier so she had plenty of food set aside for this gathering too. Very nice food display and this was the first time that I had been in their house since they bought it and gutted it. They did a very nice job of course and really lightened things up and opened the kitchen are as well. We had a good time and were very grateful that the Jacobs were there, they are wonderful people, neighbors and glad to have them as friends too. Anna only called me once after I had been there for about 8 minutes asking if she could play with some new clothes or something, I think she was wanting to choreograph and new dance and needed some different costumes.

Good Food All Day...

The sun is shinning and a little cool. Felix B. had to get up and out for a 9:30am soccer game so his Mom stopped over and picked him up. He had some home made chocolate chip cookies and milk before he left, thank goodness he didn't eat too many. Pancakes for breakfast this AM, this is sounding like a perfect Saturday morning, where are the cartoon? Laura cooked some pancakes for Caleb and Dillion and then we went for a walk. After that I pulled the battery out of the four wheeler to see if I can find a replacement at wal-mart. The second round of breakfast was completed (Keaton and Forrest) while Laura was getting ready to play for a wedding, but it turns out they canceled the wedding and didn't bother to let her know. Now she is all dressed up and no place to go, what a deal... She went shopping for a birthday item instead. I took Caleb, Anna and Cora to the Y this afternoon while Laura was out and then came home in time to cook out before heading over to the Bowen's for Blake's b-day cake and ice cream. We had plenty of good eats this day...

No School Friday...

No school today, teacher conferences. Laura had to go into work today and Anna was up by the time she had to leave. Anna had some movies to watch and the boys were home too. She ended up going to Morgan's for awhile but came home early because Morgan wasn't feeling good. Laura stopped by the store after work and got some lunch food and I went home for lunch. Craig H is having a big person neighborhood party tonight at his place, social event meet the neighbors kind of thing with a hay rack ride too. Anna is with Avery and the boys are looking for something to do I'm sure. Laura and I dressed warm for Craig's and wandered down to his place, Laura has to leave around 8:30pm to go sing and play for Cursillo. There were several people from the hood that made it there and we gathered in his house and sun room, he may have been making a commercial I'm not sure :) The boys called while we were there and want to go to a late movie with Forrest and the Bruner's and then have them all spend the night. It turned out that Anna stayed all night with Avery and the boys came to our house after the late movie. I think I snoozed before the movie was over, but called Keaton about the time they were leaving. I stayed awake until they got home and made sure that they kept the noise down.

Anna to Avery's

Anna Shop...

Just a half day of school today. I had to go to Radio Shack for work this Am and met Keaton there so he could have the car. Anna is planning to go birthday shopping today with GMa and GPa, but it may not be until later this evening. Keaton, Forrest and Caleb played soccer in the afternoon and then Caleb had piano. Anna called and said that she was eating out so we decided that tonight was our pizza night. Laura and I made plans to get Papa John's to have ready when the boys got home. I had to swing by Hy-Vee to get some other things and then went to JJ's to talk to Logan while the pizza was cooking. We had a nice visit before I had to move on and get the hot food home. Anna got home and showed us all her gifts and of coarse got some music and videos. She spent the rest of her evening playing, dancing and singing. She was actually watching a DVD when I went to bed.

Who Am I?