Christmas Day and Adam and Kori spent the night at home, I think so they could get up easier and just walk upstairs to be ready. The young ones didn't have to wait too long for Logan to arrive either. I was actually the last one out of bed. We prayed as a family, passed out presents and proceeded to open. There was some of money wrapped for the big kids as they had a few pricey items on their list to buy. There were a few online items that either didn't get ordered or didn't arrive yet. We did get a camera lens for Adam that came on Christmas eve, great timing... Laura and Anna played at Salem 9:30 church and Adam and I did some cooking for breakfast. This has became a fun tradition, cooking plenty of food for all to eat. We have a good time cooking and conversing in the kitchen and plenty of great eaters. We saved the good warm carmel rolls for Luara and Anna when they got home. The flute piano gig went real well. After the kitchen was cleaned from breakfast Laura started in on lunch for all at our house. She commented about the lack of hot water and I had a vision of water going every where in the basement. I went down and checked and there was a steady stream coming from the bottom of the hot water heater. I turned the supply off and made a couple of phone calls and was able to get things turned of to the heater and still allow us to have water in the house. We proceeded with our preperations for the day and all bathing was done at Faler's. Laura's side gathered at our house around 2:30pm and we ate together and then opened more presents. Everyone was able to be here off and on for the rest of the day. We played some very fun games and Jan was able to stay for a long time too. We had a great time, Thank You Lord for our Family and health. Especially for allowing Jan to get better and stronger each day...

Who Am I?